Sunday, May 8, 2005

More Spoiled Grown-Up Complaints- Birth Control Edition

There is a new trend on the internet about this particular complaint.  They say that people are being "denied" birth control.

Erm, no one is denying you jack schitt, sweetie.  Expecting someone to pay for goods and products and services is not "denying" anyone anything.

A lot of people are trying to use the argument that birth control is a medical necessity, therefore patients should not have to pay a penny of it out of pocket and insurance should cover absolutely 100 percent of it, ad nauseum.

First of all, no, it is really not a medical necessity.  It truly is not.  Birth control answers a query that is a matter of behavior.  This query is one hundred percent a matter of voluntary, free-will, free-choice behavior that a person can choose to engage in if they wish.

And they also have the free-will, free-choice, completely voluntary option of choosing not to engage in this behavior if they wish.  It is their choice of whether or not to engage in all the sex they want as long as both parties are consenting adults.  
Have as much sex as you want, it's your life.  But then you also have to pay for your own damn birth control yourself.  The world has zero responsibility to pay for your birth control.

Secondly, Yes, there are some genuine documented medical conditions for which hormone-regulating pharmaceuticals are a feasible solution.  But just because birth control might be considered vital medicine does not automatically excuse the patient from having to pay for it.

Patients also have to pay for other medicines such as diabetes medicine, cholesterol medicine, blood pressure medicine, diabetes testing supplies, treatments such as kidney dialysis, medicines for all the body systems, etc.  They might have insurance that covers the cost.  They might have to pay for some of it out-of-pocket.  Either way, the patient has to pay for it.  SO if patients have to pay for other medical needs, why should they not have to also pay for birth control?

Look how ridiculous that logic is if applied to other situations.  If the grocery store expects you to pay for food, does this mean they are "denying" you food?  If your landlord expects you to pay your rent, does this mean they are "denying" you a place to live?

The fact is that emotionally solvent, psychologically stable people do not allow themselves to be this careless.  grown-up adults do not reach an age of full emotional maturity and then still expect that other people will pay for, worry about, and tend to all of the grown-up's whims and fancies.

You are consciously, voluntarily choosing to have sex of your own free will.  It's your body, do whatever you want.  You want to have a laissez-faire attitude and bon temps rouler approach to your life? Go right ahead.  It's your medical health, it's your physical health, and it's your own reproductive health that you can't be bothered to act cautiously about.  It's your life, fine, whatever.  Screw it up beyond repair all you want.

Then naturally and logically, YOU need to make sure you take any and all necessary precautions.  That is your job and your job alone.  That is your responsibility and your responsibility alone.  It is not justifiable morally nor philosophically that anyone else must shoulder the burden of your actions.

It is no other human being's responsibility on this green earth to make sure that YOU don't have to suffer the consequences of for YOUR desires.  It is no one else's responsibility nor duty to provide for a cushioning buffer against your actions, which you chose to engage in of your own volition.


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