Friday, August 12, 2005

Motor Makes And Microsoft

I find it slightly exasperating when government imposes federal regulations onto manufacturers of a product, especially an important product such as motor vehicles.  I might be the only person on the planet who is not a CEO of an automotive corporation who feels this way.

There are all sort of of safety regulations and inspections they have to pass.  The auto manufactures have to pass muster on whatever whim the government thinks up in its fancy to keep itself busy and keep up public perceptions of it being worthy.

For goodness' sake, auto manufacturers are creating a product!  They are already working so hard, so tirelessly and so enthusiastically to deliver a vital resource to the American people.  They are contributing a vital piece of___ for the nation's infrastructure.  They are contributing a commodity that improves the American way of life, that improves standard of living.
for goodness' sake, isn't it enough that they do all this?

This is why this is frustrating to me.  Look at all those engineers, assembly line workers, skilled laborers-- laboring endlessly to deliver an end product that genuinely exists in the tangible world.

Yeah, I know safety regulations are important.  I agree with you there.  Such as anti-lock brakes, seat belts, quality control so that airbags don't spontaneously deploy.  But you notice something?  All those truly important checkpoints that ensure that a finished product is safe for humans --- they have already been covered.  __already been well-established.

Anything else beyond that that might lead to a manufacturer recall on a particular lot number -- is a matter of safety inspections failing.  It is a matter of quality control not doing its job.  Here is what I'm trying to say -- it is a matter of people not adhering to and upholding safety rules and regulations that are <already on the books.>  It is not a matter of there not being enough safety regulations currently in existence.

Do you understand?  The auto manufacturers simply need to make sure the existing laws and regulations are being followed.  It is an idiotic response from the government to say, "oh well they're not following existing regulations, let's punish them by adding more regulations."  If existing regulations are not being followed, what the hell good is it supposed to do if the govmit simply signs additional regulations?

This is what I'm saying.  Do your damn job in the first place.  Uphold all standards.  Standards of production, standards of regulation, standards of each part in the assembly working optimally.

As for the government-mandated air quality controls for vehicles -- enough with that 3h+.  The hippies' agenda is, believe it or not, not everyone else's number one agenda and focus.  The customers don't necessarily care, and the manufacturers don't necessarily care.
environment.  air purity

Like when they tried to break up and disperse Microsoft back a few years ago.  they tried to chop it down into bits and pieces.  This was very aggravating to me; yes, I actually took this as a personal slight to my values and sensibilities.

If govermit **really** wants to help the American public, they need to rein in the goddamn stock market. 

[[[[[credit card companies.]]]]  Talk about a corporation that is useless because it is a figment of the imagination!  all it is, is just a concept in the imagination.  they are making money off of an insubstantial daydream mind-wandering of a bored rich white kid who did not study something useful in college and now has nothing better to do.__]]


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