Monday, July 14, 2008

My average is better than your average

Ahhh.  Finally the complete, detailed, unfiltered truth comes out.
At long last, science has confirmed what I, and most people, have always suspected to be the truth.

(((((On the subject of Asians having higher IQs than whites, and whites having higher IQs than blacks.)))  Ahh.  That's more like it.  I breathe a sigh of relief.  At long last, they are giving us the __ detailed, *whole* truth.  I settle back in smug, comfortable victory.

__Full, whole, unabridged, unedited truth

(((((*I had been first introduced to the idea of races expressing IQ DIFFERENCES back when I was in high school.  I was vehemently against this idea
((((Since part of it was not true, I dismissed all of it as being false.))))  Because that great big detail was quite obviously untrue, I dismissed all of it as utter hogwash.
((((Now that I am older and wiser))))
IQ editings(for when ahh the truth finally is uncovered, has cast off its shroud ((((blanket)))
Back then,,They lumped all minorities together into one broad spectrum___
Jumbled them all toge into a into one lump sum

I am ok wi it because these scores consistently reveal Asians coming out on top.  Mathematics scores, verbal skills, SATS, national scholar scores, innate ability, IQ tests, everything.

The reason I was so adamantly against this when I was in my youth was that the general media reports made no distinctions whatsoever between the non-white races.  The mass media divided the entire human race into only two categories --- white and other.

But now more recently, the mass media has finally twigged onto the fact that not all minority races are created equal.


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