Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ohmigosh, you destroyed the curve. Everyone is, like, so totally mad.

The media firestorm is already underway.

We need to discus and establish what IQ is.  We [[steadfastly, solidify___]]]] need to set the record straight on the correct definition of IQ.  It is not just an arbitrary number on a scale.  IQ encompasses a lot of information about a person's cognitive capacity.. ****

one guy used flax seed. ___another guy used lead shot and produced results that were more palatable to the mass populace.

But that is not the whole story.  Intelligence is not about only [[[[raw___]]]] size of the brain.  There are a lot more factors of neurology than that.

There are synapses-- the connections between neurons, electrochemical signals from one neuron's axon to the dendrite of the next.

What is IQ?
Yes, evolution has to do with brain cognitive capacity.
more and more detailed, more branched, more numerous, finer and more precise,,,__ nerve to nerve connections, nerve to muscle connections,

Humans have far more numerous nerve connections than do other animals, and indeed, we have more than do any other primates.
neurotransmitters being transported___better
the electrochemical signal traveling faster and more efficiently

at this level of sub-sub-level of the hierarchy or organization, the physiological manifests in the abstract behavioral.  That is, physiological chemistry is expressed in the psychological, the mental.
There are so many synapses firing and rapid___ that it transcends the mere [[physical]]] basal biological urges, and now has become conscious free will.
The ability for conscious decision-making, the ability for judgment, voluntary action, free will, voluntary thought has developed.  voluntary decision-making processes.

neuronal pathway
more neural paths,  more neural tracts
stronger neural connections
[[[[diversified and specific]]]]
neural pathways that are more subdivided and specialized.

the brain requires an enormous percent of the body's nourishment and blood supply. 
An extremely vast, extensive network of blood vessels.  it is comprised of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, [[[distribution]]]]
for greater ability to [[[oxygen and nutrients such as sodium..]]]
a very detailed [[[___]]]] contributes to more activity in the brain.
--this is demonstrated in MRI brain scans of Alzheimer's patients.  Areas of the brain that [[[____]]]

gyri and sulci, the little hills and valleys that are commonly referred to as "wrinkles."  These serve to increase the surface area of the brain.  ___for more efficient absorptive capacity.

Raw brain size  blue whales have brains much bigger than humans do, but they are far stupider than humans.  you ever met a blue whale that excelled at calculus?

Asian IQ scores; median; average arithmetic mean IQ scores

There are definite differences between the races that go far deeper than melanin production.  it is being in a state of excruciating denial to say that the differences between races are merely superficial.

There is so much noise surrounding the definitions of IQ and evolution, it is borne of necessity that we must explain what IQ is not.

It is NOT a random arbitrary ruler yardstick that has little bearing on the social impact a person has.  It is not a "meaningless" number that has no ramifications for real life.

it covers an enormous scope & breadth of the human condition.

1)   intelligence (deftness, adeptness), acumen for

*critical thinking, of weighing the pros and cons of a situation.

2)  impulse control,
or even possibly the existence of basal, primitive urges in the first place;
including forethought, foresight, being aware of consequences of behavior.  thinking in the long-term.  planning ahead, future awareness.
delaying gratification.  not resorting to immediate gratification.  not simply succumbing to base urges, but thinking through the long-term consequences of those base urges.

and of course, IQ is closely intertwined [[[[interlaced]]] (hand in hand) with evolution. 
this is [[[[[[______]]]]]] real evolution.  not the pseudo-evolution [[[pimped out by;;; spread ]]]]]] that is violent, primitive, sesual urges.
*and moral behavior.  of empathy, of feelings, emotions, of seeing others as sentient, conscious creatures.  
something that serial killes are not capable of doing.  seeing others as equals, as members of the same species.  seeing them as worthy of respect and worthy of being treated with dignity.  not simply thinking of them as worthy of being considered the same species, but also acknowledging that said species is an evolved, mentally aware species.

they do not seem to comprehend that cooperation is only possible from individuals that are capable of both
this of course, all comes from higher evolution.  which leads to higher IQ.  Which leads to a capacity for critical thinking.  It leads to a capacity for understanding and comprehending abstract concepts.

I have to disagree with any categorization of mathematics and spatial skills as "abstract" concepts.  These are very much concrete.  These are not abstract, elusive concepts.  These are not wishy-washy opinions, there is none of that "there is no right or wrong answer" nonsense.  Nope.   These have distinct solutions and distinct answers.

These fields are also complex.  These require intelligence.  Just because these are concrete subjects does not mean they are simple.  It does not mean these are easy concepts to grasp.

Stepping back a few paces, having emotional quotient requires greater evolution.  Only higher order mammals have capacity for empathy, compassion, sympathy, putting oneself in another's shoes.

You see, the ability to understand mathematics requires even more evolution than that.  Especially when you enter the higher-order and graduate school-level mathematics such as multivariable calculus.  Which is why a person can have great emotional intelligence, empathy, compassion for fellow human beings while still sucking at math.


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