We are hearing all over pop culture and modern society that pornography should be celebrated as a completely uninhibited expression of a woman's sexuality.
If that is the case then we also need to realize that men too should be able to use this vehicle of pornography as a completely unbridled, unabashed expression of a man's sexuality. It can be and it is the ultimate expression of a very private, very personal act from a person. Therefore it is the most honest, the most real part of a person, that they can express and acknowledge out in public. If women can do it, then so can men. If that is truly the case, which it undoubtedly is, then we as concerned, involved members of society should also be nurturing and encouraging men to express themselves in pornography.
This duty to help and cajole men to feel more free and relaxed in pursuing pornography as well as striptease as a regular sideline of life, equal to any other hobby or interest, is a responsibility incumbent upon every single one of us. If we are to truly name ourselves equally caring members of the human race, then this is a noble calling we all must heed.
And more importantly, men should never feel ashamed to admit this to their peers. They should feel welcomed and comfortable. They should feel that they are expressing a healthy, normal aspect of their selves.
But, you might say, if a man is walking around half-naked that most likely means he is trawling for tail.
And, what? You think that if a woman is walking around half-naked, she is not doing the same thing? We have got to stop with this exasperating double standard. If society is encouraging and accepting and condoning of women expressing their sexuality in all settings, situations, then we must be equally accepting and welcoming of men so that they may feel welcome to express their sexuality out in public society.
More importantly, what is wrong with a man walking around buck-naked and feeling free and comfortable in his own skin?
I do not condone double standards in any shape or form. Allowing and encouraging women to express their sexuality while at the same time NOT allowing and encouraging men to express their sexuality -- that is a double standard.
And double standards are never a positive tenet of societies. Double standards are ALWAYS a negative manifestation of people's secretly-harbored prejudices. They are always a result of the lesser-informed members of society's pent-up, deep-seated superstitions and fears.