Saturday, July 20, 2002

Social Experiment, Part V

Currently the way our society is modeled, a man is not allowed to express his sexuality other than as proxy through a female.  Think about it for a gentle moment.  When was the last time you saw a man feeling comfortable and free enough to express his sexuality and the fact that he is comfortable with his body -- simply because he wanted to?  As in, without needing a woman to validate him.

When was the last time you saw an admittedly attractive man feel comfortable enough in himself that he felt at home being nearly nude around other people?  Most likely all the recent times that you can recall, a man has only been bragging about a sexual encounter while he himself was fully clothed.

Again, that is just talk; it is simply hearsay.  None of that can be proven.  And most likely, he was not really invested much in the very conversation itself.  Most likely, his voice patterns, his tone, his inflection, all, did not truly reflect how passionate and sexual he felt about this supposed woman.

As you can see, the man does all of this because he is not truly comfortable with his own sexuality.  If he were truly comfortable, then he would not feel the need to gab stories about a hypothetical woman that supposedly was attracted to him.  If he were truly comfortable, then he would just express himself and would be able to integrate his sexuality into and of himself, simply in the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he carries himself and expresses himself.

It would not have to be in reaction or response to a woman, because again that is not him being comfortable in his own sexuality; it is as I said, only in response to a woman who happens to be there.  A man should be comfortable confident enough in his own mannerisms, in his own gestures, that he should be able to express his sexuality without needing a hypothetical imaginary woman to validate him as a sexual being.

You see how there is so much negativity surrounding general peoples' expectations of men's bodies and sexuality?  This double standard has got to stop.  If we have so much positivity and encouragement that nurtures women's sexuality, and we encourage women to be sexual beings out in public at all times, then we must treat men with an equal amount of respect

This is horrible.  This is the sproutlings of a police state in the making.

Here are links to more self-esteem building articles.
Part I of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part II of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part III of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part IV of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution


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