Thursday, July 25, 2002

Socialism vs. Capitalism- a Brief Overview

Something very important needs to be clarified about these two diametrically opposite approaches to handling a nation’s economy.  Socialism assumes poor people are honest, and capitalism assumes rich people are honest.  Neither notion is entirely true.  That’s right, I said it.  Poor people are not entirely honest.

Capitalism assumes that rich people will donate money to worthy causes out of the kindness of their hearts and of their own volition.  And that they do not need to be prompted, let alone forced, to do so.  It assumes that they will voluntarily take some time out of their busy schedules, and some money out of their busy Swiss bank accounts, to bless the little people.  Assumes rich embezzle, tax fraud ____

Socialism assumes that poor people would never ever lie about whether or not they are at least trying.  Socialism founded government programs that help out poor people a little now and then.  This is by giving them money as long as they are working full-time, but it has to be at a low-paying job which is fine because that shows that the person _is_ doing work, and it’s not his/her fault that their employer gives crappy pay.  As long as the poor person is actively seeking work and preferably has found a job.

Socialism assumes that a poor person would be honestly working and would not just take the easy way out by merely _claiming_ they are working.  "How dare you, how dare you accuse me of not actually working, I would _never_ pretend to work by writing down on a piece of paper for government cheques that I worked, when in fact I was busying myself with eating Cheetos and watching Jerry Springer when I woke up at three o’clock in the afternoon."


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