What is this weird permeating notion that money will not bring a person happiness?
I am not talking about hoarding millions. I am not talking about fatcat embezzling CEOs. Hiding petty cash that is whisked away to a Swiss bank account.
I am talking about having enough funds to cover the basic expenses of living. There is a nonplussing fervent notion, spewing forth from all the magazine editorials, from all the newspaper editorials, from all the political talking heads and news sound bites, that money will not bring anyone happiness. This opinion is utter hogwash. Money most certainly can bring one happiness.
Perhaps not happiness specifically, as in joy__
But most certainly, it will bring peace of mind.
__a little bit of respite from the worry, dread [[[____]]]] in the back of one’s mind,
__the gnawing anxiety, “oh lord, the kids are outgrowing their clothes and they really need new ones.” And that is just as important.
Mgt Fall 2000-- Follo hot on heels of other one or tw ess. (Because I made claim that in order to retain and keep qualified good talent, you will have to pay them fairly, compensate them justly.))
Why is seeking money such an eeeevilll goal??
The sociopolitical talking bites adamantly try to beat it into the public’s collective skull that financial solvency is somehow a bad thing.
I get bored with the word “soul” because the only times I see that word being used, the instances cannot really be taken seriously. Hippies use the word “soul” when they complain that a person that wants financial peace of mind does not have one. Or high school kids are dating and they start talking about “soul-mates.”
((Or that money won't bring you happiness. This is patently false claim.
__a person wishes to attain financial peace of mind._
Ok, so a money amount beyond a certain threshold will not bring happiness. But before this specific line of demarcation is reached, money most certainly will bring happiness.
You hear all the time about how big businesses want to make money and this categorizes them as evil vicious selfish////etc. Uh okk, look, it is a business. The purpose of a business existing is precisely so that it can make money.
Perhaps the people saying all this have never been poor. They have never had to experience the indignity of having to choose between eating dinner that day -and- stockpiling the money (stashing )) so that you can afford your rent the next month.
((mention charity donated funds always, always, needed, esp. since I just wrote article about spiritual stuff)))
As I type this, the Christmas holiday shopping rush is in full gale all around me.
Many people have to choose between getting new toys for their kids –and-- buying groceries for the month.