Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Abortion And Dating: More Of The Same Old, Same Old

That title is probably shocking.  That is what I intended because I was shocked and disgusted when I found out that modern-day dating problems stoop this low.  This is a____ gutter-sewer that is plummeted six feet under.  The depths to which this seedy underbelly reaches know no bounds.  These depths are a cavernous gaping maw, a cold, dank, dark place that is filled with mildew and disease and fungus.

What I am seeing is that a very large number of so-called relationships go on [[half-heartedly for a few years.]]]  The participants approach this non-relationship non-romance with a sagging, flaccid, floppy, dead-on-arrival type of regard to life.  It is a pathetic travesty and _____ their own health and well-being.

So they implement abortion as a solution to a crappy dating relationship that has broken up.  Two people are in a pseudo-commitment with each other.  They are shacking up, dating, sleeping together for a long time, what have you.  The point is that they did not make any sort of genuine commitment.  There is no actual commitment to each other.

So in [[the vein, in the essence, in the pattern of this ___, they eventually break up.  This is as predicted by relationship models [[generated in simulation labs that have software models of relationships,,, with the usual patterns observed repeatedly.

This is science, folks.  This has been culled together from years of ___ again, this all highlights what I have been saying for years about relationship crap.  Too much sxx, not enough commitment.

Look, I'm not saying abortion should be illegal.  Abortion still needs to be legal, safe, and accessible for victims of rp, abuse, child abuse, incest.  There is a lot of nasty vile stuff in this universe.

But it is flabbergasting that abortion also is seen as a solution by a disturbingly large number of people -- in workaday <dating> relationships.  They consensually, casually chose to have sxx.  And they consensually, casually chose to have an abortion.  This is beyond disgusting. 

Granted, at that point it is not a human life yet.  Speaking in terms medically and biochemically, it is only a potential human life.  But this whole situation is still sickening.  It is sickening that any of this has to happen at all.  This is all the same self-destructive crap of horrible life management.  We already know there are alcoholics, drug addicts, crack addicts, STD addicts, etc., and this is essentially the same thing manifested slightly differently in the minor trivial details.

Wouldn't it be a far better course of action to avoid all that mess in the first place?

Even if you did get an abortion and so therefore it's like the whole sh'tty relationship is wiped clean out of your reproductive tract.  Even if you could, why would you want to go through all that filth at all??

It's like drug rehab.  Sure, eventually your system will be clean of all toxicology reports.  Or going to jail for armed robbery.  Sure, eventually you would serve your sentence and you could rejoin civilized life outside the penitentiary system.  Sure, in a way it is like the slate has been wiped clean and you get a re-do.  Sure it will eventually be in the past.  But why would you want to go through that hellish experience at all??  Actually, no it is really not like the slate has been wiped clean, not at all.  You still have to live with your past.  You still have to live with what you did and what you put yourself through.  You still have to wrangle with all of that in your conscience.

This is the biggest issue that I cannot comprehend.  Why would you consciously choose to do any of this to yourself?  Why would you want to hang your life in effigy?  You simply disregarded the fact that you have a conscience and a responsibility to yourself.  Your conscience should be guiding you so that you do not destroy yourself -- *for* yourself.  This is for your own damn good that you should refrain from screwing up your life.

No one else will benefit nearly as much as you would if you make smart, healthy decisions for yourself.  You would benefit the most.  And that is the utmost point.  It is okay to put yourself first and to consciously prevent yourself from screwing up your life.

Are you simply incapable of making rational, healthy decisions?  Are you simply incapable of doing the right thing for yourself that will improve your life and lead you to a healthier, better station in life than you are now?  Prevention is the best cure.  It is certainly true in this case.


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