Saturday, July 9, 2005

Discarding The Ooga-Boogas

I have been reading over my previous essay and I have decided to keep the "Keeping up with ooga-boogas" as it is.  Yes, it is weird and strange and doesn't make that much sense.  And also it contradicts itself with every other sentence.  First I claim that a female is constantly scanning the horizon for a better-looking, more physically fit male.  Yet I also claim that females do not have any reason to keep the male around at all.

How do these both possibly make sense?

perh- readily enthusasitically admit that my previous essay didnt make much sense.  I now know it is becaseu I was grappling with two contradictoy ideas in my head (use first sentence up above!))

It is because I was making an argument against a common notion in evolutionary psychology.  The common notion is that females want safety and security, they desire solid, constant, established shelter, and therefore females want a male to stay around permanently for this reason.

I was demonstrating that this is no reason at all for a female to need a male to stay monogamous to her.  Or indeed to desire a monogamous relationship at all.  All a female needs is a source of food and shelter and resources, full stop.  In this day and age especially, there are plenty of avenues for any female to acquire food, shelter, and resources without ever needing a monogamous male.


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