Saturday, July 23, 2005

Men's Mags Featuring Sore, Pathetic Losers

I am reading a lot of the “reader comments” on mens magazines message boards on the internets, like askmen and 3h!+ like that.  A lot of guys, it seems, seem to have been heartbroken by what past females in their lives did to them.  Due to this, they have degenerated to seething with vitriol and fury and just plain intolerance and hatred for all females.

Now they exact revenge on the remainder of the female species, by cheating and screwing and turning them into women scorned.  Okay, fair enough.

But how long are you going to keep blaming those few females in your past, for all the crap that you are putting yourself through now?  For the shti that you are doing to your own damn life.  Grow the eff up.  Take some goddamn responsibility for your life.  Have some accountability.

Are you really that shitty of a judge of character?

Did you not realize that if she was that kind of ""ohmigosh, so much fun!!!""  flashing people at random times, that she probably was not possessing of any stronger moral fiber when in private?  She was getting drunk and high with complete strangers.  First of all, getting coked or stoned at all, or getting piss-drunk is very bad judgment.  But then going so far as to doing this dangerous risky behavior around strangers??

You thought it was cute.  You thought it was sexy.  You thought it was hot.  You have only yourself to blame, for not taking a step back, looking over this with a clear head and with all the blood being present in your brain, thinking critically about this.  Thinking with your big head, the one that believe it or not, commands the most of your nourishment and blood supply at most times, and not just when you want a quick fix.  You know the one that supposedly houses the cerebral cortex, the lobes for critical thinking, and the cerebellum for finer more complex layers of cognition.

Guess what.  If she acted that way around you when she first met you, a veritable stranger, then she is that way all the time.  You chose to accept this.  You ignored the signs that were evidence of how she would continue to act in the future.  Yes, including how she would act if she were supposedly in a monogamous, exclusive relationship with you.

The indicative signs were there.  And you chose to ignore them.  You dug yourself into your own damn hole.  ___And now you are mad at her because ____ [[[[[use the same line as the buyer's remorse of woman scorned]]]]]

A word to the self-proclaimed wise.  Males,,,, this time.

Put the line abt how, it seems that a lot of guys sleep with some stranger chick at a frat house party.  Then schocker of schockers, it turns out she is underage.

And he is brought up on charges of statutory rpp.

I have no sympathy for you whatsoever.  Have you not read my previous written speeches??  I [[[preach, lecture women on not sleeping with strangers.  For the very obvious, self-evident common-sense reason that they are strangers.]]]]
You should have heeded this advice also.  This is kind of one of the dizzying myriad of reasons that you do not sleep with strangers.

Just in case the logic is not crystal clear, the reason you do not have sexx with strangers is precisely because they are strangers.

Then of course the guy, in all his infinite wisdom, intelligence, judgment, and acumen, [[d[d[d[____]]] is all offended at the notion that he should have verified this stranger’s age, date of birth, blood type, legal status, ovulation cycle, etc.  How dare I suggest that he do a positive identification on the person before engaging in coitus??  Oh, the humanity!!!!  Oh is there no common decency any more!!  Oh is there no courtesy towards fellow man any more!!!

Yes, there is, dumbass.  You violated it.

or shees flighty and flaky, a nightmare girlfriend. first she moves in iwht you , then she moves out,. thten its on agian, then it's off agian. making your head spin, mostl from headache.

she sleeps with all your friends.
then you complain about how she has no loyalty whatsoever.  how women do not hodl up to their word.  that women are not as good as their word. that their word does not mean squat. that women don't have nearly the loyalty and good-for-their-word as men do.

look, I agree. which is why if I were a guy or a gay girl, I would not have goen out with her in the first place. what the hell did you expect? that she was going to be wild and crazy when she met you but then magically would follow the straight and narrow once she would realize how good you were to her and that she loves you and then she would magically stop sleeping around?

look, you're the one who was only being nice to her because you hoped you could get into her pants. and now you got your wish.


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