Saturday, July 2, 2005

Feminism And Democracy: Too Naive Part 2

As feminists, we can’t just sit here and be in denial about how a lot of Homo sapiens, including men and women, really are.

If you really claim to be a feminist, then that means you have to be an intelligent woman.  That means you have to be able to observe the world carefully.  You must possess the full capacity to make objective empirical observations.  Notice the events around you n see whats really happening.  This is the scientific method, and you need to utilize it.

You cannot simply be biased and overemotional, begging and pleading that the world match your imagined ideals.  Yes, I really want that all human beings should be intelligent, possess sound reasoning capabilities, have good judgment, understand the concept of consequences, be able to weigh the pros and cons of a situation, and make smart informed decisions.  All human beings including both men and women.  Emotionally that entails what I would like in an ideal world.

But is that what's really happening?

Is the entire human population intelligent?  Is the entire human population capable of critical thinking, weighing the pros and cons of any decision?  Intelligent enough to handle their own [[__]]]?

Of course not.  Not all men are definitively, conclusively capable of being smart and utilizing good judgment.  There is no compelling reason to think that all women are.
(also, for rthe part where I tlk abtou women do not havce mental acuity, mental acumen,, rephrase it so first I state the entire human race.  de-emphasize that I mean only wmen.))


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