Friday, July 29, 2005

Fake profundity and badassery

more boring middle class white kids crp where they try to act all deep and profound__
That is why they all reflexively, automatically tear down traditional movies.  They all have delusions of being renowned, acclaimed alterna-current movie directors._

they love to debate the merits and ponder the deeper meanings of goddamn hollywood movies, for goodness' sake.
this is why they love spewing philosobablbe about the matrix, the coen brothers, and AI.  (okay, so admittedly I really liked the matrix and AI also.  But at least I did chores at home.))

they would rather talk about random crap completely irrelevant to their actual lives, than ever lift a finger and actually get involved.  volunteer work, local community stuff.
it's like how I rememb a lot of kids back in high school would [[dribble spout,__ ]]] endlessly [[ceaselessly]]] about saving the rainforest or saving the whales or some sht.  yet these exact same kids couldn't get along with their moms bc they were too effin lazy to help wash the dishes.

They would talk [[[expontentiall, endlessly abt censorship, about aids hysteria etc., about how nailpolish is a symbolismsymbolic of oppression or freedom]]] but they were too lazy to study for their classes in school.

[[[___]]]] but they did not call and talk to their grandmothers once in a while.
[[[[____]]]]] but they were too good to mow the lawn or take out the treash when needed at home.
[[[___]]]] but not that many of them held after-school jobs.

People who say, oh you are so closed-minded why don't you want to watch movies that have violence and creepy disgusting subject matter?  Heh, you are a laughable dumbass.

I am taking you to task on this.  I am demanding that you put your body where your mouth is.

you want to discuss violence..... ?  let’s discuss violence...
I am guessing that you do not watch the news very often.  do you keep up with current events around the world at all?  slavery still exists.  did you know that slavery still exists?  buying and selling human beings, human souls,
do you ever watch the news?  no of course you don't, because you are a dumbass.

***I have noticed that when people talk about freedom of speech in movies and TV and video games and stuff… --- it is almost always because they are too damn scared to actually practice freedom of speech in real life.***
It’s usually because there is something preventing them from truly practicing freedom of speech.  They are not allowed to seek the truth, they are not allowed to get at the heart of the matter.  They are intimidated, bullied, scared into staying away from the actual truth.  For example, the sopranos.  Why are you foisting this trash on the American public, glorifying violence and making money from drugs and p---?  You say I am the weak one, that I am the one who is afraid of creativity, of "freedom of expression," of "expressing yourself," blah blah blah.

Oh, yeah?  Well how about you report on the REAL mafia?  And not worry about this fake controlled environment sound stage filming studio.  What’s stopping you?

*Or, they are afraid and are too engulfed in liberal dogma and manifesto to admit that if they were really to come right out and say openly and honestly what is on their mind, they know that no one would listen.  So they have to couch it and disguise it in this mask that veils what they are really trying to say.  They know that they are not truly allowed to speak their mind.  So they have to dress it up and slap on the pancake layer makeup until it is really not recognizable anymore as the original message they had wanted to convey.

You want to discuss violence..... ?  Let’s discuss violence...
This stuff that happens in the movies?  It exists in real life.  human mutilated, maimed.  little girls -- children -- being subject to torture and mutilation.

I am guessing that you are a middle class white kid, are you not?  Hmmm...  I notice that there are no dark-skinned people from a poverty background saying the stuff you are saying.  People who actually have to live this every single damn day of their lives.  You just say all of it because you are ignorant of the fact that you do not know what true pain is.  Hell, I’ll be honest, I don’t know either.  But at least I'm not sitting here fake-badassing my way through a goddamn computer screen.

So go back to your fake "[[[[[ the phrase the person used to make themselves feel better-____]]]]  controlled movie sets, soundstages, ____
And convince yourself that you have stretched your worldview, broadened your horizons, and are an open thinker who is not afraid to take risks.

I think this is simply another manifestation of that.   ((of rather talking a big talk
these stupid mcw kids, er young people, whatevs, yearn a desire to feel renegade and trailblazing and breaking ground b
having street cred, being hood, gangsta, being "real" by secretly harboring the desire to produce/write/direct/etc. a controversial independent movie.


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