Friday, July 15, 2005

Creepy, Disgusting, Useless "Nerds"

Actually, I am not sure what to call them.  They do not deserve the honor and privilege of being ordained true "nerds."  We nerds are good people.  We actively contribute to society, with all our geekiness and our love of science and mathematics.  I do not wish to tarnish the good name of "nerd" carried on the proud shoulders of our forebears -- Isaac Newton, Maud Menten, Antoine Lavoisier, Niels Bohr, a whole bunch of others I am forgetting right now.  Oh -- Pythagoras.

I personally am a huge sci-fi fan.  Yes, I admit it.  I totally loved The X-Files, Jurassic Park, and Outbreak.  I am a huge Michael Crichton fan.  There was once this movie called Mimic that I don't think anyone remembers other than myself.  It had to do with aliens or bugs or alien-bugs or something.  I tend more towards the biological disaster type of sci-fi, such as the aforementioned, rather than the futuristic technology brand of sci-fi, like Star Wars or Star Trek.  I did used to watch Captain Jean-Luc Picard and crew, but I'm not such a rabid fan of Star Trek that I would consider myself a trekkie.  (Hehe, I'm suddenly reminded of a scene from Sabrina The Teenage Witch.  Sabrina told her aunt, "I'm really worried about Valerie [her best friend].  She's fallen in with a bad crowd."  And her aunt, equally concerned, asked, "Trekkies?")

I suppose that by some stretch of the imagination, video games and comic books might be considered sci-fi.  Only by a very long, loose stretch of the imagination, like when you pull melted cheese out of a tortilla and it stretches out two feet and then snaps.

Anyway.  These sick f'ks I would like to address here are not nerds.  I had been hoping that only the mainstream privileged athlete types were frat boys, aholes that saw women as sex objects.  The drunken football player big-man-on-campus types have drunken party-girl frat-whores that hang on as their harem.  They go to college just to be typical spoiled middle-class white kids that think they are spoiled rich kids, still having their parents support them and do absolutely everything for them -- pay their bills, pay their tuition, do their laundry and cleaning, do their cooking and grocery shopping.

But nope.  Now the seedy underbelly of the supposed haven for the socially destitute has revealed its true nature.

People seem to mistakenly think the nerdy guys are sweet, awkward, nice guys who are more interested in tech gadgets and toys than they are in anything remotely related to romance/sex/dating stuff.  They are shy, maybe a little socially awkward, but generally still good guys that respected women.  And plus they are supposedly intelligent, or that is somewhat how they present themselves in the public arena.  They are smart and therefore they would have better judgment, better morals, they would know better how to conduct themselves.  This is the general impression people seem to have.  People are gravely mistaken on this very large account.

Sigh.  Let me be completely honest.  This phenomenon of geek males being creepy, perverted aholes is not truly, genuinely, honestly all that surprising.  I have already talked about other cultures in other countries being *worse* even though they are "multicultural" and might very well approve of technology.

You see political commentary op-ed pieces all the time wherein the writer is astounded and flabbergasted that primitive third-world cultures embrace cell phones and other technology, and yet still manage to be violent, amoral, misogynistic neanderthal caveman subhuman creatures.  Op-ed writers find it perplexing that those cultures apparently have the intelligence to handle operating relatively high-tech infrastructure like an internet connection.  But they still somehow lacked the evolved moral behavior that would allow them to treat women like fellow equal human beings.

Erm, are you freakin kidding me?  Being able to upload a streaming video to the internet does not require that much intelligence.  It really does not.

But more to the point, what does one have to do with the other?  The ability to use a computer to surf the internet, even if it does require a smidge of intelligence, does not have any bearing on whether a person regards women as fully-formed human beings who should be treated with dignity and respect.

I have also talked about the fact that self-proclaimed liberal society, that of the counterculture outside the "conservative" mainstream, is extremely disrespectful towards women.  They see women as little more than sex objects.  This is the biggest problem I have with liberals.  They insist that females that degrade and demean themselves are "empowered,"  and that women that want to be wives and mothers and devote time to taking care of their families are the ones being degraded.  Wtf?

Hollywood is obviously extremist liberal and by some accounts it is outside the mainstream of normal human beings.  It is no secret that in typical Hollywood pop culture, women are objectified to a sickening degree.  A side note that needs to be made clear, and this is a concept that goes over too many people's heads:  these females are objectifying themselves.  They convinced themselves that this trash is empowering and liberating.  Men did not make them do this; don't go blaming men.  The females chose to do this of their own volition -- and therefore it is their own fault if people call them on their BS.

What does any of that have to do with disgusting, useless "nerds?"  I'm building up to that.

The case studies that glomp onto video games and comic books, especially the misanthropic species in circulation nowadays, evidently pride themselves for not following the rest of the "sheeple" (that's a favorite word of theirs) down the lemming cliff or something.  They consider themselves rebellious, original, free-thinking, and unconventional indeed.

The common consensus among most normal people is that the type of individuals drawn to comic books and video games are undoubtedly nerds.  They were bullied and harassed by the popular athlete hot guys.  They were oppressed by mainstream culture.  In somewhat related news, women have also been historically oppressed by the alpha male hot guy aholes.  As far as entertainment goes, hollywood is of the same stripe as the alpha male aholes, in all its sexually-objectifying-women glory.  (Okay, I'm with you so far.)

Here is where people's wishful thinking leads them astray.  Therefore the unpopular nerds might be able to relate to and associate with women.  They should by logic be more empathetic towards women, since they possess less of the low-evolution traits that commonly characterize the hierarchy of high school society.  You know, the hot dumb guys supposedly have more physically prowess, both in looks and in muscular strength, and tend to lack higher intelligence characteristic of more evolved creatures.

Nope.  It turns out that, all that the creepy nerds wanted was a subdivision of culture in which *they* could be the big men on campus and casually regard women as sex objects.  The creepy nerds were denied any girlfriends because hot chicks were always snapped up by the hot guys.  So they decided to create a world in which females are the creepy nerds' sex slaves.

Recall those video games where they violently dismember females, and then rape each of the individual severed limbs or something like that.

These losers immerse themselves in a fake world.
T heir every waking moment, every conscious thought is consumed [[devoured]] by this fake eyesore.  They lambast the Christian religious right for believing, [[for waging their well-being, for placing their hopes upon ] the existence of a world that only exists in fairy tales.  The useless nerds' words, not mine.  They criticize Christians for __ consciousness, __ occupied.

This is how the useless disgusting nerds' logic goes.  First, some background.
1. Christians believe every word in the Bible (this is the useless-nerd perception).
2. The Bible mentions nothing about aliens, unknown planets, alien universes, modern-day technology, intergalactic space travel, evolution.
3. Actually, more specifically, perhaps the Bible forwardly states that those things do not exist and that anyone who believes in that stuff worships the devil.
4. Space travel, planets other than earth, and technology all do exist today.  Useless nerds claim to embrace this stuff while Christians allegedly do not, making the nerds have ample reason to fly in the face of old religion.
5. Therefore, by dint of being more realistic and more accepting of modern day, the useless nerds can feel they are smarter, more realistic, more able to navigate the modern world.
6. Therefore, the useless nerds are superior to Christians in every way.  The useless nerds reject the Christian Bible's take on technology, and similarly the useless nerds can reject other major angles of the Bible such as social structure.
7. Namely, the useless nerds claim to regard women in a more respectable, respectful, dignified, polite, courteous, civilized manner than Bible religious types approach regard.
8. etc.

That sick, vile comic book.  I don't know if it was a comic book; I do not know exactly what it was.  Maybe it was a subscription publication for useless-crap-enthusiasts.
Star Trek naked alien babes
violent video games
comic books
Dungeons and Dragons, thought I cannot figure out if this is a comic book or video game or what.
This is their free-thinking, liberal, cast-of-the-shackles-of-an-oppressive-regime world wherein they claim to respect women so much more than religious fanatics do.

Let us think about this for a second.  [[[contemplate, analyze]]]  This is entirely made-up.  __So they had time to edit it, and revise it, and it is freely sprung from your conscious choice and your own free will.  The, er, "creators" willingly hand-picked every aspect of it.  They supposedly did not allow society's enslaving and oppressive rules to dictate anything for them.  And yet they STIll manage to be misogynistic as all get-out.  They still sit there fantasizing about this.

And the godforsaken satan-of-entertainment-spawned sh*tfest genre that is a meld of sci-fi and horror.  Oh, dear lord, no.  Whyyy?  Who the hell actually bankrolled these multiple piles of crap?  There are weird giant alien bugs that rwepp women.  I don't rent any of these movies.  I just happen to see the movie cover and then have to hold back my regurgitation.  I know they consider themselves sci-fi because I read the description on the back; I just couldn't look away, I had to pick up the movie cover packaging out of morbid curiosity, it was much like watching a train wreck, it's so gruesome but so captivating in a horrifying manner that you can't look away.

Okay, enough excuses.  Deep cleansing breath.  Breathe in through the nose, exhale through the mouth.  The above-metnioned sh*tfests are an insult to genuine sci-fi, especially the few ranks of the genre that are genuinely intelligent.  Intelligent sci-fi is out there if you care to look for it.


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