Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Not Particularly Enlightened

Just how sick is society?  To what lengths will society go to degrade and demean stupid girls?  To what extent will society go to treat girls like pieces of meat?

I saw in a few different magazines, something about pole stripping classes that girls take for cardio fitness.

What??  Stripping for exercise??  What happened to running and listening to a Walkman?  What happened to normal groups sports like basketball and soccer?  What happened to regular old aerobics??

Britney Spears is pretty much doing stripping moves on stage when she "sings" (if one can call that tone-deaf screeching "singing.").  Let us not coat it in saccharine veils.  Just be honest.  Britney is getting as close to stripping as possible without actually taking off clothes to reveal g-strings and pasties and tassels.  Not that she's wearing a whole lot of clothes to begin with.

Remember when she first started out back in the late 1990s?  At least her dance moves and her synchronized dance moves with her back-up dancers had actual dancing.  They had some admittedly impressive dance moves that required some skill to pull off, and some creativity to think up.  But now she has degenerated into the predictable trashy, slutty, publicly lewd and naked behavior.

What in the hell is going on?  Why don't any of these females understand the concept of keeping private things private?  Why don't any of these females understand the concept of

Males are smart enough not to degrade, demean, or dehumanize themselves.  Why aren't females smart enough not to do this to themselves?  Men don't walk outdoors in public wearing the sort of non-skin-coverage that only your bedroom or bathroom should see.  Men don't display their genitalia on full public display at all hours of the night.  Men don't don poor excuses for clothing that show half their body parts.  Men don't make ludicrous, macabre jokes of their bodies.  Males don't go around disrespecting themselves, their own bodies, their own spirits, and then have the audacity to demand that other people still respect them.  So why are females having such trouble figuring this out?

In some other place, I saw a small blurb, I turned the page quickly in disgust, so I don't remember the exact wording, but there was a small picture accompanying it, which was of a girl being drunk, she was scrunched over, hair completely covering her face so the facial expression was blacked out, blocked out, prevented from being seen.

Why the hell would any girls see this as an activity they approach with curiosity, positive interest, something that explores their horizons, or any of that stuff?  This sort of shtt is being lauded and celebrated as "rebellion" against some sort of mythical oppressive, suppressive, strict "authority."  Rolling stone, tons of hollywood teen movies or whatever, so-called "college buddy" movies where they are really just aholes that demonstrate exactly why this country's education system is going down the toilet.

The stupid grs gone wdld crap.  The sort of mess that is now apparently prevalent during "spring break."  The general widespread, rampant, spreading like a bacterial lawn growth in a Petri dish.  Girls getting drunk and not caring at all about their personal safety....  Why in the world would anyone want to get drunk around strangers??

(Re the women mags preaching slttines.)  Where the hell are the generations of feminist education and the making sure people are not ignorant?  What the hell happened to the feminist scribes that were informed on the facts and the truth?

You want to be a drunken alcoholic toxic liver syndrome?  You want to be a druggie?  You want to be an mtv darling dragged through your own vomit?  Fine, that's your conscience, it's your life, and you alone are responsible for your own life.  Fine, that's your choice.   That's your decision.

But you DON'T get to call it feminism.

What used to be a noble pursuit of equality...  What used to be encouraging goals and accomplishments to better the human race... has now degenerated into a travesty, a sick macabre joke.  It is a grotesque parody.

Friday, March 23, 2001

"Patronization" Towards Middle-Class White Women As Opposed To Asian Women In Science

Let us talk about patronization and insulting behavior directed towards women.  This is regarding how some women complain that men do not take them seriously in the professional fields of math and/or science.  Nor when these topics arise in everyday conversation.

The thing is, I have never had this problem.  Nobody has ever acted like, “awws how cute, that girl wants to study science.”  Nobody has ever patted me on the head and said, “oh how adorable.”

I honestly have never had to deal with that.  People look at me and automatically assume I am smart.  This has been a recurring, trusty old constant throughout my life.  No matter whether we are talking about teachers/profs or work supervisors.  Or friends and acquaintances.  It is very nice, and very accurate, of them.

All my math, physic, chemistry, and biology teachers in high school expected me to do great things.  They were proud of me when I got A’s on tests, but more importantly they expected that from me.  As a matter of fact, they were disappointed with me if I did not get excellent grades.  This is terrible-- one time in Honors Physics I got a C on a test.  Aghhh, not characteristic for me at all.  My honors physics teacher in high school, a white man, took me aside and asked me, "What in the world happened?  I was just bragging to your Dad about how you are one of my best students."  I made sure I got an A in that class.

My chemistry, biology, and advanced math teachers in high school were mostly women.  All throughout grade school, most of my math teachers were women, with a few men math teachers.  The vast majority of them were excellent teachers.  Nobody looked at those female math teachers and doubted their abilities.

In college -- chemistry, calc-based physics, calculus professors have never acted like they expected anything less from me as a woman student than they would from my white male counterparts (other students in those same classes).  College-- yes that would include white male professors.  You know, the demographic that the media keeps telling us are evil, and are the cause of all the world’s pains and suffering?

Same mutual respect and courtesy between the white male students in my classes, and myself.  None of them have questioned my knowledge [[[grasp, comprehension]]] of the subject matter.  Heck, during a lot of the lab assignments, they look to me for guidance!  They ask me to clarify a step in instruction, or they sometimes ask me to explain a lecture concept.

Perhaps I just give off a demeanor that is incredible nerdy.  Shrug.  Fine with me.

((Same with my own father, and mother also.))))
Same with the men as well as the women in the Bengali-American community that my family habituate.  As a matter of custom and respect, all the kids (my generation) address them as aunties and uncles.  All the uncles would ask me what my proposed college major would be, what college I planned on attending, what job I would seek after graduating.  The aunties, as well.  Not a single one of them was taken aback when I answered that my planned major was microbiology, a hard science subject.  Once I told them my major is Microbiology, they nodded knowingly and acceptingly.  They well understood that this is a realistic stepping stone on my path to medical school.

Now that I am in college, they hold conversations with me about my progress, what all prerequisite math courses I have completed thus far, all that good stuff.  They also are curious as to what entails an undergraduate degree in Micro, presumably because none of them were Micro.  Many of them also encouraged their own daughters to purse math and science degrees.

Which all makes me wonder.  These girls I read about out in the media, complaining that men in science do not take them seriously -- are they projecting a vibe of being air-headed?

Thursday, March 22, 2001

Evolution Is Not An Excuse For Creepy Perverts

There is another creeping, slithering trend in dating.  It is apparently making its rounds in clubs, bars, etc.

We are also hearing a lot of bunk about how evolution is the culprit behind the recent spate ((sporadic__)) of creepy old perverts.  I am talking about the false stereotype of much older males thinking they have a realistic chance with very young females who only very recently reached the legal age allowable to buy cigarettes.

This is a social disease.  I read some editorial somewhere, by one of these aging sickos no doubt, where it claims that young women have more fun with old guys than they do with young guys.  Because old guys are rich or something.

What the hell?!  Sorry, but this is complete rubbish.  There is no way in hell a psychologically healthy, sane, normal young woman would be okay with this.  Normal young women do not fantasize about dating old men.

This is complete crap.  Some old males are assuming the young females are having fun.  But I cannot imagine that a young female would ever consciously choose to date an old, wrinkly, sagging creepy dirty old man.

There was the city dump refuse heaped on the American public that was "American beauty" celebrating and glorifying statutory rrp.  That brain vomit was justifying it, trying to make the public think this shrtt has origins in logical thought, that it is only "human," that this is simply a flaw no worse than any other, that this is merely a character quirk, trying to show the human side or whatever.

Are you kidding me?!!  A sick perverted middle-aged guy screwing a young underage teenage girl who is legally a minor.  This is sick.  And then "seventeen" and "ym" magazine calling this shrt "empowering" and "girl power."  Geez, with girl power like this, who needs misogyny?

This is pedophilia.  This is child molesting.  It makes little difference that a girl might have just recently turned eighteen.  She is not that much different than a seventeen-year-old girl.  What realistic difference is there in psychology between a seventeen-year-old girl and an eighteen-year-old girl -- if some sick pervert guy is waaay older?  If a guy is in his late twenties or his early thirties, or God forbid (and gross, gross, gross) even older than that, then he is still a sick scumbag if he honestly thinks it is morally justified for him to chase after an eighteen-year-old girl.

I have gone to school with legal juveniles and I have gone to school with legal adults that just recently turned eighteen.  Let me tell you, there is not much difference in maturity and/or intelligence.  An eighteen-year-old and even a nineteen-year-old is still a teenager, still a child, still under the care of his or her parents.

This is not evolution.  This is simply another [[aspect]] _symptom]] of societal decay.

There is a wealth of educational and career opportunities available to women.  There is no good reason for a woman to choose to date an older guy due to some abstract, wishy-washy reason of the guy having more money.  In this day and age, if a woman wants security and safety and freedom, she can get educated herself and get a decent job.

Women have all avenues of respectability and success open to them.  This is unprecedented in all of human history.  Women can become doctors, women can become engineers, women can become lawyers or even better, court judges.  Women can become biomedical researchers, women can become CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.  I am sick and tired of seeing ignorant, slutty females saying they wish they could have sex with a guy that is a CEO, or wishing that a guy that is a CEO would ask them out on a date or whatever (those stupid glossy magazines again).

What the hell kind of immoral golddigging prstite attitude is that?  I want to see women having as their career goals to become CEOs themselves.  There is no logical reason for a woman in this day and age to depend on some silly notion of false evolution.

This is far more important that than incorrect definition of evolution.  Progress of society towards a more balanced, ___ state of affairs.  A society and population must advance beyond mere physical dictates of biological evolution.

__We have already established that this is simply a matter of physical attraction and desire.  Since we have reached that accord, then we must consider the reciprocal of___

-- [[[I was ranting against the societal perverts.]]  it is supposedly ok or "normal" due to so-called evolution that middle-aged males date very young females.  but society does not accept a middle-aged female dating a very young male.

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Evolution As It Relates To Dating crap

Tie evolution stuff in to dating complaints, concerns, and habits.

-on the fact that reproductive capability alone does NOTT render anyone more evolved.  This is not evolution.  It is a preposterous declaration that reproduction alone, that crewing around is indicative of more evolution.

If sxe can be used for emotional fulfillment some of the way, then it can be used for emotional fulfillment all the way.

We are human beings.  Humans do not have the capacity to separate sex from emotion without loss to emotional health.  Not without damage to psychological health and well-being.  We are far too evolved for that.

Okay, fine.  If you do not want to approach it from a philosophical, moralistic point of view, then let us look at the practical aspect of why this is not evolution.  why do teenage pregnancies occur???  Why do any out-of-wedlock pregnancies occur??  This is proof positive that this is nittt evol.

-----horrb ide3a.  this is prrof positive that reporduct vcapablity along does not indicate evolution.  **or ruther, i think we hav evolved to the point that biocgla capabit alone does not indicate evolutioanry superioorty.  orrrr, I thinkg we hv evoedc to the point that we can deiced consciosly if biooogical capacity alone indicates evolution and progress.  opr ,, we can decide consciously if we want to continue allowing biological capacity to stand as the sole indicator of evolutionary fitness.

-> fore e.g, we see that pepe who let their basal biooogical urges control their thoughts and actions-- are acutally WOArse off than people who exhibit higher-level ciritcla thinging.  pele that utlilize [[execute]]] critical thingking, thinking about consequendes of their actions, peoplw who think throiugh consciously of the [[consequnces[] of their decisions in space and time...
people who utilize self-respet and morals...  people w2ho exercise some self-restaraint and do not simpyl let themselves fall into self-destructive tendencies...  people who engage in actions that actually help themselves rather than [[resorting to,, falling to__]] self-destruction....

There is plenty of evidence in support of my hypothesis that human beings cannot simply allow sociobiological constraints to rule their lives.  Yep, sure enough, these are constraints.  They chain a person to basal, primitive, unevolved urges.  they lead to horrible consequences.  these so-called sociobiology indicators are bad for humans.

Saturday, March 17, 2001

On The Subject Of What Passes For "Art" Nowadays

Unfortunately, a disturbingly large number of girls think this crap constitutes "art."  Prostitution, stripping, pronn.

No, this is not art.  This is exploitation.  This is cheapening the female figure. This is objectification, plain and simple.  This is reducing the female body to nothing more than an accepted public perception of it as mere spare body parts.  Nothing else.

I can't imagine how anyone could possibly be that obtuse that they don't just see what is in front of their eyes.  This is not art.  I suppose I should not express it this way because you can’t worry about what others think. Okay, noone and I mean no one, looking at this is thinking, “oh what lovely artistic sensibility; what beautiful insight on the human condition; such profound commentary on the human plight, struggle, etc.”

Actually they do say crap like that.  Out loud so everyone else can hear.  But it would be genuinely nice if you were just honest for once.  It's as plain as the nose on your face.  Bee-yoo-tiful splendiferousness?

Yeah right.  Anyone looking at this is just getting their jollies up and nothing else.  Enough already with the projecting crap that is not there.

They are not artists.  They are simply perverts.  Any bullshyte that a sniveling, money-hungry, scheming, dishonest sick peeping tom pervert can fool the gullible public into swallowing is accepted without question as "art."  That asinine, misogynistic "man show" on TV tries to pull this middle-class-white-male-frat-boy garbage also.  They probably think that their sick, dropped-dead-on-the-floor-with-the-self-esteem-of-a-dead-plant crap that they make females do on their show falls under classification as this laughably fake "art."  I wonder if any of those females fool themselves into calling themselves "muses."

Let us posit a parallel analogy towards African-Americans.  Do black people say it is okay to engage in demeaning acts like this which degrade and cheapen their worth as human beings?  Do black people then make excuses and say crap about how this is really somehow justified by twisting words and definitions, employing philosobabble and psychobabble?

Are black people collectively gathering in paint clubs and saying it is okay for white people to chain them up and paint them with whiteface?  After all, what is the harm if they are consenting adults, right?

You see, those are the sort of creepy, subtle, disturbing excuses they use, and it is leading to a gradual deterioration of civilization, which are not evident right away.  It takes a while for the obvious outward symptoms of a disease state to appear.  Underlying structure and fabric of society is already experiencing compromise, like pylons are cracking, the foundation of a building is weakening.

And are black people then trying some sort of sorry, flopping, flaccid, soggy excuse like, "ohh no we are not being serious, we are just trying to call attention to 'real' racism by 'real' racists by mimicking what they do.  ohhmigosh we are being so trailblazing and groundbreaking, we are trying to make people 'think,' we are trying to spread ideologies of freedom of thought."

No.  This is not considered socially acceptable by anyone, and for good reason.  It is because this is disgusting, demeaning, and degrading towards black people.  It is because anybody that engages in this behavior is degrading themselves, and reducing the whole of humanity to less than a bunch of inanimate objects.  Black people are not the only ones who would be disgusted if a money-making crapfest such as this existed.  All human beings who have respect for themselves and respect for fellow humans would be furious with this.  it is because this is not what civilized, polite, fully-evolved human beings do.

Monday, March 12, 2001

Disney Kicks Ass

I feel I need to state that the one consistent source of wonder and creativity of entertainment in which the visionaries doooo truly dig and delve and really reach into their inner cores of being to get at some inspiration-- is Disney.

That's right, it’s Disney.  You know, those cartoon movies that for some reason females feel is demeaning to women or some crap.  I do not really understand this odd, reactionary way of regarding my beloved Disney movies.
-- Artistic, thoughtful, creative

•••• The Little Mermaid.  Oh.  My.  Lord.  This was my absolute favorite movie when I was in fifth grade.  (I did not quite know of its existence in fourth grade, otherwise it would have been my cherished favorite then, too.)
-- Finally, a movie in which the girl rescues the boy!!!  And the girl is the one from a strange, fascinating, otherworldly universe that strengthens her.
-- I suppose The Little Mermaid was for me what the kids nowadays call "empowering."  I am loath to use that word, however, because it is thrown around like cheap confetti and there are far too many negative connotations.

•••• Aladdin was fun.  Although the girl didn’t really have much of a role.  I was just so happily floored that they did a Disney movie revolving around my people.

•••• Pocahontas was pretty cool.  I really liked the fact that they didn’t have her just run off with the hot guy at the end of the movie.  She stayed in her hometown community because she knew she was needed there.  (Please do not bother me about historical accuracy or lack thereof.  This is neither the time nor place.)

•••• Mulan was awesome, of course.

--- Strangely enough, I think Snow White is my favorite.  (After The Little Mermaid.)
Snow White is just so cool and mysterious and gothic.  I mean actual eternal gothic, not quite the same as goth kids in school nowadays.  (You know it came from Germany’s Black Forest.)

Friday, March 2, 2001

Purpose of Public Education- Truths And Mistruths

•••• It can even be established that teaching a child the alphabet and how to read, and teaching basic math skills such as learning how to count are also -pointedly *nott* the schools' job.

I will deftly make that case now.  This is a very reasonable logical stance to make.  --these skills have to do with basi learning how to be a human being.  These things do not nexesstily have to be taugtht outside the home.  These___much like discipline ***molding the child into a responsible evolved whole human being, can very reasoban be considered the bastion of the parents.
--intoduction to __[[[order, strucutre nnn being comfortable in a learnig enviroenmt..___ nonononono stm annbt hiww,,
--these sare [[acquired]] supposed to do with the child's formative years.  Much like manners, discipline, and respect, these psychological and social skill sets could be taught by the parents.
---foundational______????  [[[in the years before the child ever sets foot in a school.]]]  learning to walk and talk, learn to read a little bit, like simple picture books,, walk and talk,, identify the alphabet.

My parents did exactly that.  They did not sit around and wait for the schools to teach me stuff.  My Mom did all of that.  She taught me the alphabet around the time I turned one year old. ___my Dad had bought a typewriter when I was nine years old, and encouraged me to type my stories.  __also brought graphic [[engineering]]] design templates home from work so that I could use them to draw and paint and create little designs.

Thursday, March 1, 2001

About Political Correctness

Sigh.  This is <nott> what political correctness meant back in the day.  This is not what the proponents such as myself intended.  Back then, "political correctness" did not mean covering up the truth about a minority race or about how girls do harm to themselves.  It did not mean people had to pretend there were no problems.

It simply meant showing respect to people that were traditionally marginalized in society.  It meant not calling black people n-----s.  It meant not calling me an "Injun."  It meant not assuming that racial minorities were incapable of handling jobs on their own merits.  It meant not calling intelligent, independent women b----es.  It meant respecting a woman for <not> wanting to whore herself out.  "Political correctness" simply meant showing women and minorities respect and dignity equal to that which was previously afforded only to white males.