Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Evolution As It Relates To Dating crap

Tie evolution stuff in to dating complaints, concerns, and habits.

-on the fact that reproductive capability alone does NOTT render anyone more evolved.  This is not evolution.  It is a preposterous declaration that reproduction alone, that crewing around is indicative of more evolution.

If sxe can be used for emotional fulfillment some of the way, then it can be used for emotional fulfillment all the way.

We are human beings.  Humans do not have the capacity to separate sex from emotion without loss to emotional health.  Not without damage to psychological health and well-being.  We are far too evolved for that.

Okay, fine.  If you do not want to approach it from a philosophical, moralistic point of view, then let us look at the practical aspect of why this is not evolution.  why do teenage pregnancies occur???  Why do any out-of-wedlock pregnancies occur??  This is proof positive that this is nittt evol.

-----horrb ide3a.  this is prrof positive that reporduct vcapablity along does not indicate evolution.  **or ruther, i think we hav evolved to the point that biocgla capabit alone does not indicate evolutioanry superioorty.  orrrr, I thinkg we hv evoedc to the point that we can deiced consciosly if biooogical capacity alone indicates evolution and progress.  opr ,, we can decide consciously if we want to continue allowing biological capacity to stand as the sole indicator of evolutionary fitness.

-> fore e.g, we see that pepe who let their basal biooogical urges control their thoughts and actions-- are acutally WOArse off than people who exhibit higher-level ciritcla thinging.  pele that utlilize [[execute]]] critical thingking, thinking about consequendes of their actions, peoplw who think throiugh consciously of the [[consequnces[] of their decisions in space and time...
people who utilize self-respet and morals...  people w2ho exercise some self-restaraint and do not simpyl let themselves fall into self-destructive tendencies...  people who engage in actions that actually help themselves rather than [[resorting to,, falling to__]] self-destruction....

There is plenty of evidence in support of my hypothesis that human beings cannot simply allow sociobiological constraints to rule their lives.  Yep, sure enough, these are constraints.  They chain a person to basal, primitive, unevolved urges.  they lead to horrible consequences.  these so-called sociobiology indicators are bad for humans.


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