Thursday, March 22, 2001

Evolution Is Not An Excuse For Creepy Perverts

There is another creeping, slithering trend in dating.  It is apparently making its rounds in clubs, bars, etc.

We are also hearing a lot of bunk about how evolution is the culprit behind the recent spate ((sporadic__)) of creepy old perverts.  I am talking about the false stereotype of much older males thinking they have a realistic chance with very young females who only very recently reached the legal age allowable to buy cigarettes.

This is a social disease.  I read some editorial somewhere, by one of these aging sickos no doubt, where it claims that young women have more fun with old guys than they do with young guys.  Because old guys are rich or something.

What the hell?!  Sorry, but this is complete rubbish.  There is no way in hell a psychologically healthy, sane, normal young woman would be okay with this.  Normal young women do not fantasize about dating old men.

This is complete crap.  Some old males are assuming the young females are having fun.  But I cannot imagine that a young female would ever consciously choose to date an old, wrinkly, sagging creepy dirty old man.

There was the city dump refuse heaped on the American public that was "American beauty" celebrating and glorifying statutory rrp.  That brain vomit was justifying it, trying to make the public think this shrtt has origins in logical thought, that it is only "human," that this is simply a flaw no worse than any other, that this is merely a character quirk, trying to show the human side or whatever.

Are you kidding me?!!  A sick perverted middle-aged guy screwing a young underage teenage girl who is legally a minor.  This is sick.  And then "seventeen" and "ym" magazine calling this shrt "empowering" and "girl power."  Geez, with girl power like this, who needs misogyny?

This is pedophilia.  This is child molesting.  It makes little difference that a girl might have just recently turned eighteen.  She is not that much different than a seventeen-year-old girl.  What realistic difference is there in psychology between a seventeen-year-old girl and an eighteen-year-old girl -- if some sick pervert guy is waaay older?  If a guy is in his late twenties or his early thirties, or God forbid (and gross, gross, gross) even older than that, then he is still a sick scumbag if he honestly thinks it is morally justified for him to chase after an eighteen-year-old girl.

I have gone to school with legal juveniles and I have gone to school with legal adults that just recently turned eighteen.  Let me tell you, there is not much difference in maturity and/or intelligence.  An eighteen-year-old and even a nineteen-year-old is still a teenager, still a child, still under the care of his or her parents.

This is not evolution.  This is simply another [[aspect]] _symptom]] of societal decay.

There is a wealth of educational and career opportunities available to women.  There is no good reason for a woman to choose to date an older guy due to some abstract, wishy-washy reason of the guy having more money.  In this day and age, if a woman wants security and safety and freedom, she can get educated herself and get a decent job.

Women have all avenues of respectability and success open to them.  This is unprecedented in all of human history.  Women can become doctors, women can become engineers, women can become lawyers or even better, court judges.  Women can become biomedical researchers, women can become CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.  I am sick and tired of seeing ignorant, slutty females saying they wish they could have sex with a guy that is a CEO, or wishing that a guy that is a CEO would ask them out on a date or whatever (those stupid glossy magazines again).

What the hell kind of immoral golddigging prstite attitude is that?  I want to see women having as their career goals to become CEOs themselves.  There is no logical reason for a woman in this day and age to depend on some silly notion of false evolution.

This is far more important that than incorrect definition of evolution.  Progress of society towards a more balanced, ___ state of affairs.  A society and population must advance beyond mere physical dictates of biological evolution.

__We have already established that this is simply a matter of physical attraction and desire.  Since we have reached that accord, then we must consider the reciprocal of___

-- [[[I was ranting against the societal perverts.]]  it is supposedly ok or "normal" due to so-called evolution that middle-aged males date very young females.  but society does not accept a middle-aged female dating a very young male.


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