Saturday, March 17, 2001

On The Subject Of What Passes For "Art" Nowadays

Unfortunately, a disturbingly large number of girls think this crap constitutes "art."  Prostitution, stripping, pronn.

No, this is not art.  This is exploitation.  This is cheapening the female figure. This is objectification, plain and simple.  This is reducing the female body to nothing more than an accepted public perception of it as mere spare body parts.  Nothing else.

I can't imagine how anyone could possibly be that obtuse that they don't just see what is in front of their eyes.  This is not art.  I suppose I should not express it this way because you can’t worry about what others think. Okay, noone and I mean no one, looking at this is thinking, “oh what lovely artistic sensibility; what beautiful insight on the human condition; such profound commentary on the human plight, struggle, etc.”

Actually they do say crap like that.  Out loud so everyone else can hear.  But it would be genuinely nice if you were just honest for once.  It's as plain as the nose on your face.  Bee-yoo-tiful splendiferousness?

Yeah right.  Anyone looking at this is just getting their jollies up and nothing else.  Enough already with the projecting crap that is not there.

They are not artists.  They are simply perverts.  Any bullshyte that a sniveling, money-hungry, scheming, dishonest sick peeping tom pervert can fool the gullible public into swallowing is accepted without question as "art."  That asinine, misogynistic "man show" on TV tries to pull this middle-class-white-male-frat-boy garbage also.  They probably think that their sick, dropped-dead-on-the-floor-with-the-self-esteem-of-a-dead-plant crap that they make females do on their show falls under classification as this laughably fake "art."  I wonder if any of those females fool themselves into calling themselves "muses."

Let us posit a parallel analogy towards African-Americans.  Do black people say it is okay to engage in demeaning acts like this which degrade and cheapen their worth as human beings?  Do black people then make excuses and say crap about how this is really somehow justified by twisting words and definitions, employing philosobabble and psychobabble?

Are black people collectively gathering in paint clubs and saying it is okay for white people to chain them up and paint them with whiteface?  After all, what is the harm if they are consenting adults, right?

You see, those are the sort of creepy, subtle, disturbing excuses they use, and it is leading to a gradual deterioration of civilization, which are not evident right away.  It takes a while for the obvious outward symptoms of a disease state to appear.  Underlying structure and fabric of society is already experiencing compromise, like pylons are cracking, the foundation of a building is weakening.

And are black people then trying some sort of sorry, flopping, flaccid, soggy excuse like, "ohh no we are not being serious, we are just trying to call attention to 'real' racism by 'real' racists by mimicking what they do.  ohhmigosh we are being so trailblazing and groundbreaking, we are trying to make people 'think,' we are trying to spread ideologies of freedom of thought."

No.  This is not considered socially acceptable by anyone, and for good reason.  It is because this is disgusting, demeaning, and degrading towards black people.  It is because anybody that engages in this behavior is degrading themselves, and reducing the whole of humanity to less than a bunch of inanimate objects.  Black people are not the only ones who would be disgusted if a money-making crapfest such as this existed.  All human beings who have respect for themselves and respect for fellow humans would be furious with this.  it is because this is not what civilized, polite, fully-evolved human beings do.


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