Thursday, March 1, 2001

About Political Correctness

Sigh.  This is <nott> what political correctness meant back in the day.  This is not what the proponents such as myself intended.  Back then, "political correctness" did not mean covering up the truth about a minority race or about how girls do harm to themselves.  It did not mean people had to pretend there were no problems.

It simply meant showing respect to people that were traditionally marginalized in society.  It meant not calling black people n-----s.  It meant not calling me an "Injun."  It meant not assuming that racial minorities were incapable of handling jobs on their own merits.  It meant not calling intelligent, independent women b----es.  It meant respecting a woman for <not> wanting to whore herself out.  "Political correctness" simply meant showing women and minorities respect and dignity equal to that which was previously afforded only to white males.


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