Friday, March 2, 2001

Purpose of Public Education- Truths And Mistruths

•••• It can even be established that teaching a child the alphabet and how to read, and teaching basic math skills such as learning how to count are also -pointedly *nott* the schools' job.

I will deftly make that case now.  This is a very reasonable logical stance to make.  --these skills have to do with basi learning how to be a human being.  These things do not nexesstily have to be taugtht outside the home.  These___much like discipline ***molding the child into a responsible evolved whole human being, can very reasoban be considered the bastion of the parents.
--intoduction to __[[[order, strucutre nnn being comfortable in a learnig enviroenmt..___ nonononono stm annbt hiww,,
--these sare [[acquired]] supposed to do with the child's formative years.  Much like manners, discipline, and respect, these psychological and social skill sets could be taught by the parents.
---foundational______????  [[[in the years before the child ever sets foot in a school.]]]  learning to walk and talk, learn to read a little bit, like simple picture books,, walk and talk,, identify the alphabet.

My parents did exactly that.  They did not sit around and wait for the schools to teach me stuff.  My Mom did all of that.  She taught me the alphabet around the time I turned one year old. ___my Dad had bought a typewriter when I was nine years old, and encouraged me to type my stories.  __also brought graphic [[engineering]]] design templates home from work so that I could use them to draw and paint and create little designs.


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