Monday, March 12, 2001

Disney Kicks Ass

I feel I need to state that the one consistent source of wonder and creativity of entertainment in which the visionaries doooo truly dig and delve and really reach into their inner cores of being to get at some inspiration-- is Disney.

That's right, it’s Disney.  You know, those cartoon movies that for some reason females feel is demeaning to women or some crap.  I do not really understand this odd, reactionary way of regarding my beloved Disney movies.
-- Artistic, thoughtful, creative

•••• The Little Mermaid.  Oh.  My.  Lord.  This was my absolute favorite movie when I was in fifth grade.  (I did not quite know of its existence in fourth grade, otherwise it would have been my cherished favorite then, too.)
-- Finally, a movie in which the girl rescues the boy!!!  And the girl is the one from a strange, fascinating, otherworldly universe that strengthens her.
-- I suppose The Little Mermaid was for me what the kids nowadays call "empowering."  I am loath to use that word, however, because it is thrown around like cheap confetti and there are far too many negative connotations.

•••• Aladdin was fun.  Although the girl didn’t really have much of a role.  I was just so happily floored that they did a Disney movie revolving around my people.

•••• Pocahontas was pretty cool.  I really liked the fact that they didn’t have her just run off with the hot guy at the end of the movie.  She stayed in her hometown community because she knew she was needed there.  (Please do not bother me about historical accuracy or lack thereof.  This is neither the time nor place.)

•••• Mulan was awesome, of course.

--- Strangely enough, I think Snow White is my favorite.  (After The Little Mermaid.)
Snow White is just so cool and mysterious and gothic.  I mean actual eternal gothic, not quite the same as goth kids in school nowadays.  (You know it came from Germany’s Black Forest.)


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