I am not overly fond of the designator "rebel," for it implies that a person is a silly powerless, stupid little child.
A "rebel" is a person that does have authority in their own life. A "rebel" feels there is some sort of external imposing authority that controls the person's life. The person, rather than taking rightful control of their own life and doing what is healthy and best and right for themselves, they lash out blindly and stupidly. They are reactionary and emotional, instead of utilizing careful thought and planning to improve their lives. With no thought to organizing, planning.
Let us first postulate the existence of a fictional universe.
This is a universe in which people are rigidly stuffed into predetermined gender roles from which they never venture or stray. This would be a sort of stereotypical society in which women possibly do not have any power outside the home. A society such as this often has the following framework.
Now, this is an exaggerated and stereotypical society in which gender roles are rigidly set in stone and no one can waver out of it. This was how American society was [[[designed]]] back in the 1600s and 1700s. this is how present-day society is [[[designed]]] in poverty-stricken, less-developed countries.
Just as a matter of record, let us briefly address the wife-and-mother role when in a society that is not the stereotypical blockaded one as above. I personally am fine with women being wives and mothers in a normal society. As I have written before, a wife and mother has enormous power and influence in a modern society. This is because she has some of the most substantial and important responsibilities in said society.
Back to the essay. A lot of hot-air-for-brains liberal females try to "prove" they want a more egalitarian society in which women are respected as much as men are. To do this, they decide to become strippers and prn stars. These are their claims, not mine. morass of easily-duped females__
These females that are evidently screwed in the head actually claim that this balloon-headed approach achieves the lofty aspirations. It is an absolute laugh of "challenging people's pre-held assumptions," or "challenging society's views of women," or "challenging women's roles in society."
Break the rules, challenge the status quo... by being sinful and screwing up your emotional and physical health. Madonna and her sht-fked__ I saw an interview with Carol Leifer, one of the producers of Seinfeld or something. She thinks of herself as very trailblazing and original, indeed.
I knew we were in trouble when people started saying Marylyn Monroe was a role model. Why? Because she went to church dressed like a skank?
Honey, you are not challenging jack schitt. The elites and all us other respectable members of society already know that all that mess exists. And now you have simply decided to join and perpetuate it. You have done nothing good for society. You have only added to the teeming, squirming alien bacterial growth that is a blight on society. Like an alien egg cluster.
So what? We already know that strippers and hookers and whores exist. We already know that dregs of society exist. The throwaway people. And we want nothing to do with them. Shrug. I know I feel that way. What exactly do you think you are challenging when you say you are "contesting people's pre-held assumptions and pre-judgments?"
You are not challenging anything. You are, in fact, simply reinforcing us elites' already-held views and opinions.
That is not being trailblazing, nor being revolutionary, nor being a renegade. It is not "challenging" anything at all. It is in fact following right along the rules and lines and limits that this oppressive society has. That mode of conduct is being obedient and docile, and is ignorantly, unwittingly playing right into this "society's" sneaky, convoluted hands.
Hell, some of the so-called powerful imperialists possibly might even exploit, encourage, and take advantage of this dreck. Useless government officials going to strip clubs and/or having sex with prstes. By doing so, these "government higher-ups" associate with it, have attached themselves to it like leeches, and they have made themselves a part of it. They have lowered themselves and their standing in society down to the throwaway level. They are now part of the problem.
In honesty, I feel that once someone has done something like this, there is no more hope for them. Sorry, but that is the harsh truth. Anyone that does this is tainted and does not have any hope for improvement. They are contaminated and diseased, and I honestly feel that they should cauterize off their reproductive organs and just make sure they don't perpetuate their genes.
If you really wanted to challenge people's pre-held assumptions, then you would stop this shit. Clean yourself the hell up, inside out, and realize that that filth will get you nowhere.
Truly, genuinely improve yourself and become a contributing member of society who builds to society and helps reparir society, rather than tearing down society and screwing it up. Now, that would be truly shocking to people.
So, to re-word. If you truly wanted to challenge people's pre-held notions, then you would not have done any of this in the first place. What you should have done is ___ try for something that would genuinely give you authority and power in society.
if you want real power, then infiltrate the elite power circles that you evidently think are so
get in on that exclusive membership.
get inside there, and then change it to something good.
hint: being a stripper will not allow you to do this. all that does is make you a stripper. striipers are a laught and a joke.
run for city council. Study economics and political science and law. learn the way that local government is run. do research.___ learn the way that national governemtn is run. __make sure you win.
prepare yourself before then by majoring in something useful in college. get a respectable-high paying job. shwo people that you know how to do hard work, but more importyanly than tha, you know how to do smart work. prove that you can handle a large amount of responsiblity. get a professional job at a company and get yourself promoted. don't major in soething easy and useless in college like medeival literature philosophy and then whine and complain that you can't find work.
or scrap the city council part and do all the other things. _____
a formidable force to be reckoned with.
get actual authority and power and use it to your advantage.
you want real power? run for political office and win. you want ral power? be the head of a corporation.
Be a journalist who exposes corruption in the government. Be an investigator, be a detective,
Be a journalist who uncovers something sinister that preys upon the people.
be a whistle-blower
Erin Brockovich, whose life as a movie was played by Julia Roberts, is a far more interesting renegade and trailblazer than the prostitute played by Julia Roberts back in the stone age. And Erin Brockovich is far more interesting than you.
So you try to stick it to the man... by becoming a drug addict. Decimating your own mental health and medical health and overall well-being.
Or you try to overturn the establishment... by committing violent crime against innocent people. News fuh-lash: you are not challenging anything. You are simply becoming one of the throwaway scraps of society. You are not questioning or fighting against anything. All you are doing is hurting innocent people. They already know that you exist, and they'll call the cops on your ass.
If you really wantd top prove your mettle thorough violence, then why don’t you directr your violent rendencies towards a group that is truly deserving? Why not channel your vioelent urges so that you might stop the bad guysin their tracks? Go up against the mafia if you are so tough. Fight against gangs if you are such a badass.
Hey, here's a thought. Since you are all so damn worried and obsessed with being trailblazing and renegade-esque, how about being a real renegade? Seek to genuinely confront and dispute the "evil authority's" preconceived notions about people that claim to want to break from the mold and be in charge of their own life.
Do something useful with your life. Study science and math, for God's sakes.
So-called oppressed women were not allowed to enter upstanding, moral, dignified careers. Women entering the workforce was sadly seen as being unladylike. That is even though these are respectable, educated, prestigious fields. General society somehow had the impression that women being educated and employed in respectable, honest, dignified fields was an injury to these women's delicate sensitivities and fragile personas.
Women were forcibly kept out of dignified, respectable____ workforce. [[[[not allowed to participate in]]]] It was seen as too [[[[demanding ]]]
But women still needed money so they could live. So what did they do? Their only other option__ They entered the undignified, non-respectable modes of getting money.
- as we well know, the nasty elements don't give a sht about offending upper socioeconomic classes' delicate sensibilities. They only care about exploiting human beings.
Just so we are clear, I do not think this is a viable excuse for women to___
That is an incredibly lazy, unoriginal, unimaginative, uncreative solution. It is the easiest, laziest way out.... It is nothing but the cheap, easy, go-to stock resort of women that are lazy, whorish, sluttish, and in pursuit of a quick buck with absolutely no requirement of bothering themselves to do any genuine hard work.
**((use excerpts from bk review))) They could have pickpocketed, they could have done underground business deals -- NOOTtt involving human trafficking, might I clarify.
Revenge against "society." Erm, which society, exactly? Proper society?
Or the dregs of society? Because, guess what. You are not rebelling against the waste of society at all. Not in the least. You are, in fact, eating right out of their hands. [[[so that they can pat you on the head and call you a good little rebel.
What I do have a problem with, is the author's handling of this -the character becomes a prostitute. According to the author, the character does this in a fit of revenge. The reasoning behind this completely eludes me. If a person were raped, why in the world would she want to become a prostitute? Revenge against what? To me, it seems the character is only further serving herself up as a victim. The subject of money is brought up, which is understandable. Why couldn't she have gone into the illegal drug trade? Or perhaps smuggling ivory from elephant tusks? Or perhaps being a bookie for underground gambling circles? (Yes, these industries did exist in the 1700s/1800s.) Don't even think about trying to tell me that prostitution is somehow better. The sick fact is, humans do not respect either prostitutes or drug dealers, but at least we fear drug dealers.
-- that excuse might have held up under close scrutiny in olden times, but not today. (Actually to be completely honest, that excuse is not acceptable/viable for such olden times, either.) This was probably the prevalent attitude among people in eras gone by. That is not rel much of an excuse, because women still could have____
--this disgusting, impractical, and disrespectful exists today only in abject poverty-stricken countries.
this is the sort of nastiness that transpires in a society that does not encourage nor allow wmn to study useful subjects. Or prpars for useful careers.,,.
- so either get on board with the future world and join the world economy that is ever more demanding.
,, or admt that anerica is nottt the land of the free and that people do not have true freedom of speech ir thought
--instead of stupid useless rebellion, self-destructive, unhealthy, immoral. See the thing is, that is not true originality. That is following obediently blindly right along their strident oppressive rules and regulations. And you don't even realize it.
- you are not truly challenging any pre-conceived notions.
-that is still abiding along their rules,, that's still unknowingly, you are still obeying slaving along every single one of their rules. That's still unwittingly unintentionally playing into their hands.