Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Let Us Discuss This Joke Of Academia and Odd Grown-Up Complaints

We see this with best-selling books that are written by suburban middle-class white kids who evidently think of themselves as being soooo original and trailblazing and breathtaking because they rebelled against their parents.  They made the giant leap of bravery by rebelling against a solid support net, the suburban cul-de-sac white-picket-fence upbringing which their parents gave them, and which will always be there for them to catch them when they fall.  Examples:  Dan Brown, a lot of hollywood TV and movie writers, the best-selling authors as mentioned earlier.

To be totally fair, it's not solely the colleges.  Magazine editorials and internet editorials everywhere say similar things.

They claim that a really shtrrui retelling of a Shakespearean play that just butchers it -- is just as valid as the original masterpiece.  There was an episode of "Head Of The Class" where some "modern art" person completely skewered Hamlet up one orifice and out the other.

This is the same liberal bs that any modern crap is as legitimate and as good an another.

And the tearing down of historical figures.  Gw, mlk, all the founding fathers.

I came from
But I am not going to kid myself by "rebelling" against it.  I see and I know the wonderful opportunities my suburban middle-class upbringing has given me.  The advantages of an excellent school system, good communication abilities, a thorough understanding and appreciation for science.  I am talking about genuine science, not the weak PC fluff being circulated through the media that masquerades as science.

The college says to the student:  Be liberal, be more open minded.  -- It's okay everything that black people do; it is okay; it is excusable.  Try to be understanding and open-minded to what black people do; it is not their fault they are__

No one should blame black people for their lot in life.  It is all due to racism; it is all do other non-black people forcing oppression on blacks.  The college hammers this into the students' psyche.

this could lead into the dan bronw and his demolishing of religion, faith.  -- but do they offer anything in its place?  Not too terribly, no.
Dan Brown, who was probably educated in a "liberal, open-minded atmosphere that is welcoming to all types of thinking."

The college, in attempts of tryin to open the stu's mind says,,,,, question everything your parents taught you.  Any authority.  **Just don't question us.
Question any rules your parents gave you, including whom to date or when to date or how often to date.

Question how to express yourself.  Questions standards of vulgarity question standards of decency and decorum and good taste.  Question any self-respect or dignity your parents might have instilled in you.

Question any standards of drug addiction.  Hey, it's not drug addiction.  It's not a bad thing.  It is freeing your mind, it is freeing your inhibitions.

In this vein they ultimately get the student to question the validity of their whole culture and identity.
- their family identity, their family heritage.

The student gets to thinking that any deriving of cultural pride through their cultural identity or heritage is "evil."  The student is taught that having knowledge of their culture and indeed deriving any happiness from it is ""racist.""

This is that___ even though humans should learn more about their heritage, their origins, their family history.  People are naturally curious about their own race and culture.  Haven't you over-heard the phrase, "You can't know where you are going until you know where you are coming from?"

The liberal academia setting fumigated and is infuriated with the idea that people love their own culture and people naturally want to associate with people of their own ethnicity.


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