Saturday, June 11, 2005

Black Men Not As Desirable As Media Says

A little subject I feel merits some in-depth discussion here.

I am noticing a strange little trend.  For some reason, the media seems convinced that all women secretly crave sexual advances from black males.  As a woman, I would appreciate it if the media would quit trying to tell me this.  They have gotten very aggressive with this odd social campaign recently.  I remember back before the days of the Ricki Lake show, yep, in the early 1990s, this was unheard of.

It gradually morphed into a few billboards here and there that were truthfully not sexual at all; they were very subtle and simply portrayed friendships.  But nowadays it has infested advertisements, movie clips, TV shows, etc. all over the place where a white woman is seen cheating on her husband with a black guy.  They are implying that the white guy is not able to, er, “satisfy” the woman, so she flings with a black guy.  Or a white teenage girl is sneaking out at night against her parents’ rules to have sex with a black guy because he’s so irresistible.  Or out of the corner of her eye, a non-black woman is stealing glances at a black guy.

I hope this is just some typical media hype and rubbish, like where they take a teeny facet that someone saw once, and then sensationalize it.

I am truly, honestly getting the impression that any white girls making this declaration are most likely suffering from "white guilt."  This is because blacks are the most disenfranchised group in this society.  So the white girls are claiming to offer up their goods in a proffer to repent for past transgressions against long-dead African Americans.  So this is what "white guilt" means.  They think that this is a peace offering.  This is a bid for political correctness.

White girls that claim to have the hots for black males probably underwent the following thinking process.  "I am going to force myself to be polite and friendly towards blacks.  Even though I have no desire whatsoever to get to know them on any intimate emotional level.  However, my true attitude is not socially acceptable. So I will pretend to want to be close friends with them.  There ya go -- I am overcoming racism and prejudice by going out of my way to become friends with blacks.  As a matter of fact, not only that, but we are going so far as to claim to desire them romantically.  How's that for accepting tolerance and diversity and reaching out to those less fortunate?!"

Black people are the most abused, violated, victimized group in this society.  This has historically always been the case.  It is still true nowadays, what with dropping out of high school, teenage pregnancies, poverty, massive rampant violent crime, social ills rampant throughout neighborhoods that are predominantly black.

The white girls probably know deep down inside that they do not truthfully desire black men.  They are fully aware of the fact that they do not find black men the least bit attractive.  Look, I am an Indian South-Asian woman.  My skin is way closer in color to black people, than any white girl's skin color is to black people.  I admit that I have no romantic interest in blacks.  Ergo, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that a pearly-skinned white girl would be genuinely interested in pursuing a black person.

They are trying to overcompensate for two reasons that form a double-whammy for why they feel obligated to reach out to black guys.  They probably feel like their true feelings are "racist."  When there is an unpleasant truth, people will overcompensate and force themselves to believe the opposite.  So in an effort to combat this guilt, they are trying to throw the black guys a bone.  They are trying to boost the black guys' self-esteem.  Kind of like how the kinder members of the popular group in high school will purposely make friends with an unpopular kid or a kid with Down's syndrome to help them feel better.

I simply do not find black males the least bit attractive whatsoever.  When we see dating surveys from time to time where women claim to find black guys attractive, I feel that this might be just political correctness manifesting in a sinister way.  This is simply another insidious embodiment of “white guilt.”  I have noticed that unfortunately, sometimes females in the media too easily fall prey to liberal gobbledygook the media tries to pimp out.  I get the distinct impression that here they are, saying, “ohh poor black people having to deal with slavery and racism, I will survey that I desire them, that’ll help them feel better about themselves and boost their self-esteem.”

I know that the accusations are going to start flying fast and furious that I am "racist."  Sigh.  This has nothing to do with political correctness or a misguided bid to repent for slavery or any such drivel.

This is about romance.  This is about whom a person is most comfortable with.  This is about having someone you can connect with and have shared interests, someone you can find common ground with and can talk to.  Back in high school, I already came to the stunning realization that for someone to want to date/marry within one's own race is not "racist."

You know, I can honestly say that I have met a scant few non-black women who come from healthy, emotionally stable, loving, two-parent homes who decide to date a black guy.  This too is possibly an artifact of living in the south in a medium-sized town.  I admire and respect them for not kowtowing to the liberal morass media.  At least they are being honest.  They have no compelling need to date outside their own race.

I do not understand this media nonsense that upper-class white girls desire black males.  I do not understand this media nonsense that, 1) supposedly there is someone available of a different race, 2) the white girl would not actively seek him out, 3) but the only reason she would not seek him out is that she is oppressed by the evil white male overlords in her family.

Indeed, the media tries to tell us that the only time any white person **does** have a problem with miscegenation, they absolutely must be from redneck trailer trash stock.  Supposedly they are inbred southern redneck hicks with massive genetic inbreeding problems and why would a black person ever lower themselves to reproduce with that anyway.  Uh-huh.  Okay.

Yeah, totally unlike the media darlings of enlightened, diverse-blooded, liberal people that have seen the error of the redneck ways and are far too open-minded to ever allow themselves to stoop so low as to actually date and marry within their own culture, and with people they actually have common ground with.  No sirree.

Very, very recently the media's methods seem rather akin to water-boarding and other forms of government-issued terrorism.  Like, “hey white girl, you better offer up your lady area to blacks as a sacrificial lamb.  This is a peace offering.  You owe it to the collective consciousness of black people.”

People on the internet point to pictures of black male celebrities as "evidence” that attractive black guys do exist.  Feh.  Not seeing it.  And let us be honest.  Vanishingly few black males in real life look anything like actors in movies.

Actually, let me be more honest than that with you.  In general, they are rather intimidating looking.  They are threatening looking.  I honestly, truly do not find black males the least bit attractive.

I wonder if the media’s claim might be based on the following.  It seems that some women find it a huge turn-on if a guy walks into a room and commands attention.  Recall all that sociobiology drivel the media tried to spit out at us a few years back.  The allegations were that due to evolution, women are attracted to men with stereotypical masculine traits.  Women are supposedly attracted to power and money.  They think it is hot if a guy exudes “powerfulness.”  Maybe they think the stereotypical black male is somehow an exaggeration of that.  A grossly (meaning corpulently large) distortion of that, inflated to grotesque proportions, which they think automatically means it is better.

Not me.  (They swoon or flutter breathlessly or some crap at the mention of a guy being CEO or earning a lot of money.)  I find that whole picture to be completely unappetizing.  A guy makes a lot of money and I'm supposed to find that appealing?  Disgusting.

The black males’ version of this is even less appetizing.  It is a parody of stereotypical masculinity, exaggerated to comically outlandish proportions.  Ridiculous, ludicrous, to where it seems like he is overcompensating for an inferiority complex.  And I’m supposed to feel magnetized?  Vomit.

Ghetto fags.  Sorry, I did warn you that this would be offensive.  But that is only because this is the truth.

But this dating-ness is an incredibly shallow approach.  How does the [[situation, errr...]]] of a white girl obtaining a black romance person actually <help> the black person?  How does a letting a black guy impregnate a trailer trash white girl help the black guy?

As a matter of fact, it does not help either one of them.  This is an incredibly derogatory, disgusting, and degrading tactic of promoting racial harmony.  This is yet again, still enforcing the vile, nasty abuse of treating women like sxx objects.  It is a false, grotesque parody of social activism for elevating the status of black people in society.

It would much better serve black people if those white girls did volunteer work in the black community.  Do tutoring in predominantly black high schools.  teach little kids___

It would much better serve black people if *black people* galvanized their family and friends, and decided to improve their lot in life.

As a matter of fact, many white girls (as well as boys and girls from many different races including blacks) already do a great amount of volunteer work.  Let’s stick with that.


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