Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Negative Side Of Being Open-Minded

Liberals are pro-free speech?  Nope.

Recall they adamantly insist that anything happy and positive could not possibly be real art.  "You like sweet happy art?  You don't approve of real art!  That's not real art!!"  Like those sick, disgusting, nauseating, horrifying crap things in the NYC exhibit.  When Mayor Guiliani cut off city funding, they all shot back, "ohh you're a wimp!  You only want safe simple art!"

They lurrrvvve bragging about how much they enjoy depressing "art house" movies with miserable endings where everyone is just miserable.  They opine of mainstream movies, "cute, neat, packaged, formulaic with predictable happy endings."  They claim to understand the underlying profound meaning hidden therein.  This allows them to feel cultured and sophisticated.

The pseudo-intellectual, smarmy alterna-type has sprung from the same liberal spout.  "There is no such thing as a right or wrong answer."  "There is no such thing as a good or bad choice.  All choices are equally valid.  All choices have their own merit."  There is that ubiquitous, notorious word "equal."  They internalized those ideas, and unfortunately let this flow into their subconscious psyches.  This makes them feel very smart.

But what this translates into is => no conviction for anything.  So in other words, they find any sloppy, floppy, flaccid excuse not to make a commitment in a relationship.  I see them write this crap all the time, "ohh why do you have to put a label on it?  A label is a judgment."  Some crap like that.

They do not make any commitments, they do not make any promises.  They keep being wishy-washy, flaccid and frozen in indecision.  This ultimately means they are wimps, ultimately namby-pamby wusses.  And they seem satisfied with this hovering and hanging in the balance, in this dull dishwater gray area.

For all their profession of their love for irony -- they seem brickwall-obtuse to <sarcasm.>  Like the cow said in the animated movie "Home On the Range" earlier this year, "They don't have sarcasm where you grew up, do they?"  Exactly!  That is a perfect way of expressing it.


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