Friday, June 24, 2005

Philosophy Of Middle-Class White Kids Trying To Be Badass

I can't believe so many people praise and laud mafia movies, oliver stone movies, ad ilk.  Glorifying and glamorizing criminals on the TV screen, in video games, on the projector screen.

I have noticed that it is usually the most boring white-bread mayonnaise middle-class white people that tend to clock to this.  Which most likely means they are fantasizing about this, pathetically wanting to live vicariously through fake made-up cardboard dolls.  They want so badly to want to believe this about themselves, to convince themselves that they too can rise above the powers that be.

Well then again, there are also quite a few poor lower-class black people that glorify street gangs and movies that celebrate street gangs. Dumbasses, the lot of them.  They have not truly thought at all about the consequences if someone were to commit any of these actions in real life.  I, on the other hand, have actually gone through a logic-based argument weighing the pros and cons......

Then I almost had to laugh as the realization hit me that they were all ...poseurs.  Fakes, the whole lot of them.  Ohh, they are trying to be badass by pretending they can stomach all this filth.  They are playing bravado machismo video games.

They are typing this from behind a desktop computer screen.  Trying to prove they are badass by typing into a little keyboard, and hiding behind a computer screen based on the type of movies they watch

They are sitting in their comfy, cushy little air-conditioned, blanketed in a soft, thick, plush fuzzy wall-to-wall carpet, fully furnished homes with indoor plumbing and running water and plenty of food.  Sabrina the Teenage Witch already foresaw this back in 1999.  The "irony-addicted jaded ____ jerks."

And laugh of all laughs, they truly seem to believe that they are badass!

"Oh yeah I'm so rebellious, oh yeah I looouuurrrrvveee playing disgusting gory video games, and you are just a brainwashed closed-minded wimp."

Laughable suburban white kid trying to tell people, "you are weak because you don't like sickening, nauseating stomach churning scenes of violence and gore..."

You have allowed the soul to be sucked out of you.  Your innards have been entirely cored out of you...  Until there is nothing left.  Nothing to hitch the meat to, metaphorically speaking.  Nothing to keep it alive and whole, integrated, and cohesive.

You have been hollowed out like you have been worked upon by a handy kitchen gadget.  Until there was just an empty shriveled, dried up hull remaining.
It is a condition that appears to inflict a great number of wannabe-badazz mcw kids.
They are all wannabe badazzes.  They all fancy themselves as indie film directors.  They all fantasize about the glamorous life of drugs or some crap.  This "badass" curiosity is analogous to-- like when hydrochloric acid gas slowly, lazily, languorously floats through the air, killing anything in its path.
Now, I am a suburban middle-class Asian gal meself.  I am the least badass person I know.  But at least I admit it.  I am not trying to fake-badass my way through a computer screen.


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