Monday, June 6, 2005

A Reasonable Approach To "Science"

Let us discuss the methods of gathering information, the purpose of utilizing this information for human benefit, and what this reveals about humans.

I hv studied science lojg enogh to know its true purpose.

To find the actual truth,,, but itss not.  Sci is being corruoted aduoterated, conteminated by the ideology of ignorsnce nn wishful thinking. Not nkt wodful thinki exactly b

I realized a long time ago that the concept of "percentages" is often exploited to misrepresent data and to mislead readers.  Percentages can be twisted around and can be used to conceal the actual numbers.
- use ex of cougar attacks 400% more this year!! Makes ut sound much worse than it is.
-- and what is poss the most badfling,,, use of 'percentages' to twist and convulse and warp whatver infor they are claim to be reporting. ii find myseld kaufhing in incredility at the _[[ madness]
""""Only 15 perct of pp participated in voter registrration three years ago.
""" last year there was a forty percent increse in participation drom tbe prev yr.
""" ofvthese larticipators, twenty percent were black and anothger sevebty prect were white.
"" black voter rdgistrat increased by ,,, which is a thirtyfive percent incs compared to white voter rfgitsTrn increasse.
so whch oercent are they taklnh abtvthis time-- the first faction or the most recent faction? If youre really astute, youll notuce that the year counts ars off as well. At this poit i usually roll my eyes and stop paying attrnt, either bc the numbers are accurate but the article topic is ynimportant enough that the writer didi not boyher thselves wi the concern of clarity, or bc the topic is in fact important but the writer simply pulled rhe njmbers iut of their azz.

Most pp are horrt at. Ath. Nn they dont know how to dustinguish meanibhs btw smll but sigf distinct differences in verbage,/expression

- Ten times as pretty vs trn times prettier
- 400% incr vs 400% total

Statistics nn scientitifc [[[___realism?? nonon,, interpretation ]]]
--- that an idioi. single mother who got pregnant out of wedlock, proging that she is gtenrally irrsponsible, not too intelligent,
could smwh magically raise
- mosy liekly not exucated, most likely not employed in a rsspectable useful profession such as treacher or nurse,,, but het that sh could magically taise her kid into a good human being who hads all the intelli and common sense that she lacks. -that she xould instill in the child during uts formative years.
--- nn the gay argument also. -that it soemwho does nto amtter whether a child has both a mother and a father___ as long as the child has two parents__ At one point I tried to force my opinion inot this politically correct wooden box.
- as if the mother-father dynamic is smt arbitrary. __,,, which any substiute can ____ mimic,,, incl a lving, respctwble relationship ,-in a sustained, monogamous, long-term reltsp__ '"this is an 'artificsl social construct"
Or worse, they put forhthe notuon that this dymanic does not matter to the sustaining of a normal and healthy society ,; and that it is unilportant to exist in the first place.

--- that statistically ((( smt abt bl lw class parents raising a

I hb made anither discovery abt human cognitive processes.  This is a way of tying otgether consp their, insisting on looking for 'sci evid' whne commonsense will serve the purpose just fine.

--- pp will find any [[__ties that tying togeher randomly related loosely correlated phenomena__]]]] this is why dan brown's pontifications work.
(( here incl the,,, innone culture this flower means one thing. In anith cukti this heart shape means smt ekse.

it's time to chuck all that out the window, and just use common sense.
- insisting that there is no evidnce for washing hands nn genrl hygrine
- insisting that single parents can ___are capable of providing a loving healthy stbsme env in which a child can grow___,,, anf refusing to provide a child ww a stable household unless there is stroung sci evidence that proves that a child fsres better in a stable househild. - and sinsitigntbhat there is no diff whatsoever btw a married coulle n an unmatried cople.
- insisting that being prsicuous hS no negative effecs on a person's osyche wahtosever.


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