Saturday, June 18, 2005

Race and Class- More Media Myths Swallowed by the Public

I realize that a lot of the statements I will make in this essay might be taken as presumptuous or even inflammatory.  But please exercise patience as you read it, and please try to keep the hate mail to a minimum.

I do not know from whither in the world this notion originated that upper-class black men tend to marry white women.

Any and all conservative blacks in civic and political arenas are all married to other black people.  Middle- or upper-class black women are all married to black men, and middle- or upper-class black men are all married to black women.

These socially conservative (within reason) blacks come from a middle-class or higher background, therefore they know that other middle- and upper-class black people do exist.  These men don't need to hook up with a white woman to validate their existence, or to validate their self-worth, or to prove to the outside world that they are movin’ on up.

I am positive that the fact that some black men marry or "hook up" with white women is proof those selfsame blacks came from a very lower-class poverty, minimally-educated background.  This is not blind opinion; this is a fact that I have observed over and over again.

They never saw anything positive emerging from the black culture while they were growing up.  Therefore they are now trying to distance themselves from that negative culture that they were swarmed by growing up.  Emotionally, geographically, in their choice of personal relationships.

They think the fact that they have now acquired a white woman is a sign that they have made progress.  This white woman is a status symbol, which brings me to another point.  Lower-class black men see women as pieces of property, as objects to acquire, as a form of gainful advancement in the social strata.  Owning a white woman is a symbol of affluence and success.

Whereas if they merely stuck to owning a black woman, well ya see, that is just a black woman, someone from the old neighborhood.  They would feel as though they have not attained their desired stratum that would imply they are moving on up.  Why in the world would they stick to a lower-net-worth black woman when they could trade up and obtain a higher-net-worth white woman?

Oh of course there is a quality scale, an appraisal gradient, sure.  Women are after all, mere objects to own and acquire like equivalent-weight pieces of meat, and to toss out as soon as you can afford a prettier better model.  These poor black men saw poor black girls and women while they were growing up in their difficult childhoods in harsh environments.  That's what they saw back when they were ghetto poor and in the projects.  Therefore there is no way that keeping one of these is satisfactory now that they have made it into the big leagues.  Obtaining a white woman is now in their grasp, it is a realistic feasible purchase.

I am telling you, I seen it and I know from whence I speak.  The black males I have observed that pursue white females almost always come from a degenerate, basal background.

I have NEVER, but only NEVER, with the exception of NEVER, oh wait I’m mistaken so sorry I do recall NEVER seen a black-man/white-woman relationship where the black man is anything but ghetto hood poor living in the government housing projects.  He is always wearing those gigantic pants that hang halfway down to the ground, big ghetto Fubu athletic shoes, some kind of tee shirt (point being that it is never a nice button-down shirt with a collar).  And there is the ever-present du-rag.

And I have NEVER, but only NEVER, with the exception of NEVER, oh wait I’m mistaken so sorry I do recall NEVER seen a middle-class or upper-class white woman in a relationship with a black man.  Any time I have seen a white woman in a relationship with a black man, she comes from a severe-redneck-beyond-just-the-working-class-whites, trailer-park, trailer-trash, poor poverty-stricken background.  She and the black guy possibly have gotten knocked up, casual like they do.  Usually they are NOT married.  At the most they are in a semi-declared semi-committed relationship.

You going to try to tell me that black athletes and musicians, in short, *entertainers* -- that since they marry white women, that this proves that upper-class black men always hook up with white women?

Guffaw.  I'm not buying it.  If they were so damn upper-class, then they would have planned for their futures better and would have pursued careers that have better longevity.  They would have pursued careers that are not mere entertainment, inconsequential trivial crap such as that.  They would have pursued careers that actually require intelligence.  They would have pursued careers wherein they would not be forced to be sidelined in the case of some physical injury.

Not to mention, careers that don't have OD-ing, coking out, etc. as a major threat.  Be honest now.  These rappers and football players -- how many of them truly come from a middle-class or upper-class background?  Did their parents graduate from high school?  Were their parents married?  Since before they were born?  Were their parents full-time employed in respectable jobs?  Even some sort of skilled labor is better than food stamps or unemployment cheques.

Some people might try to pipe up with the example of Sammy Davis Jr.  Yes, I will concur that he was an incredibly classy man who yep, was married to a white woman.  Yeah, well he was also Jewish.  Any other black Jewish people you know of?  I didn't think so.

Middle-class black people, on the other hand, know for a fact that other middle-class black people exist.  They do not feel the desire to separate themselves from black people, because there is no need to do so.  They come from that background, so they know that black people can be positive and optimistic for the future.  They know that there is nothing there to be ashamed of, nothing from which they need to detach themselves.  They know that positive ideals as well as high expectations for the culture can and do emerge from the black community.

Black teachers, college professors, student advisers, doctors, lawyers, civic leaders -- the men all marry black women.  And the black women who are educated professionals in those same fields all marry black men.

They see positive messages, they have good influences, they see encouragement, they come from a culture that has appreciation for achievement.  They were raised with much higher standards of living.  They came from a background that placed a lot of worth on stable home life, and on sustained, monogamous, long-term personal romantic relationships, i.e., marriage.  They were expected to have better attitudes towards life.  They see much higher expectations from people towards the young generation that is growing up.  They see people finishing and graduating from high school, they see people realistically expecting to attend college and complete a degree in a reasonable amount of time.  They see educated people with respected, esteemed jobs.

They were surrounded by a culture that valued education, post-secondary education, accomplishment, and respectable careers.  They grow up knowing that there is something better than the negative stereotypes that are seen on the six o'clock news.  They grow up knowing that there is something far better than that for themselves.


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