Sunday, June 12, 2005

This Is Not "Racist"

I do not think it's fair or accurate to brand someone as "racist" just because they refuse to have sex with someone else.  It also is not correct, definition-wise.  Anyone that makes the claim this approach is "racist" is not magically an open-minded person, multicultural person.

I am not so desperate for love/romance/sex that I would seek this sort ___   When people say things like, "be more open-minded to dating/marriage outside of your own race," or "it's racist not to consider black people as potential marriage partners" --
This is what that sounds like to me.  To me it sounds like the person dating this is trying to justify their having secc with someone. 

This sort of intimate companionship should not be subject to the same Equal Opportunity scrutiny to which mega-corporations rightly should adhere.

This is not "racist."  For goodness' sake, it's not like I'm calling for a non-revolution back to the days of segregated schools.  It's not like I'm harkening for light -skinned people across the nation to resume lynching blacks.

This is not about political correctness.  This is not about ____.  This is about romance and intimacy.  This is about who a person feels most comfortable with.  This is about exercising wisdom when choosing the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.

This belief is not "racism."  This is not job discrimination.  No one is denying anyone a human right.  A person does have the right to earn a livelihood and support themselves with honest work.  A human being has the genuine right to work and support oneself.  A human being has the right to be safe from abuse and violence.  A person has the right not to be inflicted with violence, torture, rpp, etc.

But not the right to marry whomever one wants.  Romance choosiness is not a violation of civil rights.  This is not an infringement upon the Bill of Rights.  Dating is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, nor rights guaranteeing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Dating is not a right.  No humanitarian or moral code on the planet impels interracial sex.  No one owes anyone a date.  No one owes anyone romance or sexual desire.  Just because I do not wish to court a black guy does not mean I somehow endorse slavery.

I have no obligation to court or marry a black person, whether to repent for slavery or some other asinine irrelevant reason.  Any one of the prior reasons is enough to disqualify them from the running.  Even if I were white and the media were trying to shove some notion of “white guilt” down my throat, I STILL would not have a trace of obligation to date a black person.  Neither do any of you white folks, FYI.

They truly do not register a blip on my romantic sensors whatsoever.  I regard them much as I would regard a child, almost.  A hostile, high-strung, physically imposing child.


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