Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why Black Men Are Not Desirable

Look, these are going to be some very honest confessions.  This is the unpleasant truth.

Several reasons why I do not desire black males.  I understand that this is not really the type of conversation topic that one discusses in the company of polite society.  That is a pitying shame.  This needs to be addressed openly and honestly.

Preface.  Nowadays, I am seeing that really pasty, ghost-white albino men are fully admitting to being pasty and unattractive.  This is good.  They are not being jerks with inflated self-esteem that think they are G-d's gift to women.  You know how women complain that some men are sexist jerks that think they are so hot, and they think that women should fall over themselves to get to the man and they treat women like crap?  These guys do not.  I like how these pasty men are being completely honest.  About how not all women might desire pale guys.

Well, if people are being honest in one direction, then people should have the guts to be honest in another direction.

Okay, so pale, pasty guys are aware that they might not be that desirable.  Now it's time for black guys to be as much aware, also.

•••Black males are violent, loud, rude, aggressive.  I have seen many, many times that they just barrel down a corridor.  When they jostle into someone (when, not if), they can hardly be bothered to say “excuse me.”  Abusive.  [[any race can, this does not mean---, they are abusive out in public, this also does not mean it is ok in private, but they exhibit this sort of beh, this simply makes it more obv. Blah blah bl]]]]]

They're just so... hostile.  Their general demeanor, their mannerisms are not courteous, are not polite or civilized.  A lot, and I do mean a lot, of them are mostly sarcastic aholes.  Not in a funny, cute, mildly flirtatious way.  Woe to you if you act in a way that expresses the honest fact that that was incredibly boorish.  Then they loom out like, “ohhhh your majesty, oh I'm soooo sorry that I offended your royal highness.”

They are exaggeratedly sarcastic to the point of being an ahole.  They think that just because they are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and manners, that that is somehow racist.

•••They are violent criminals.  Watch the six o’clock news.  Read the newspaper.  Peruse the US federal website -- study the crime statistics as broken down by race and sex.  I am not making this up, people.

There is a lot of criminal behavior rampant amongst the black male population, ages 17-45.  They are the most murderous beings in the country.  They rape with abandon; they abuse children; they murder children; they do horrifying unspeakable things to children; domestic violence against single mothers is the language they are most fluent in.  Hell, let’s be honest, the initial onset is much younger than that 17.  There are 13-year-old and fourteen-year-old black males in juvenile hall.  By the way, re:  some of them are in juvie only because some states refuse to prosecute them as criminals, as adults.

••• They are vulgar.
Have you ever actually listened to a group of them conversate?  Let me tell you something.

••• The big 6!cK thing.  That is beyond vile, filthy, vulgar, sickening.  Forget it.  I don’t even have the words.

•••I should go ahead and warn you, this next portion might be very offensive.  This might be construed as racism or seething hatred of black people. I really hope you approach this with no pre-held biases -- that of black people all just being sweet innocent pure angelic little victims of evil racism, or of media stereotypes or whatever.  Just clear your mind completely of the brainwashing the media subjects people to on a daily basis.  Read over it, and then comb through your memory for *facts.*

I simply find black males to be incredibly ugly.  Their features are far too coarse and unbalanced.

I told you that you might find this offensive.  I am talking about their facial and physical features.  Looking at the massive jawbone structure, how it juts out further than even the nose.  Looking at the shape of the nose, and how it is wide and flat, with very large, open, strangely upturned nostrils.

The way that many of them have gigantic nostrils that look permanently flared.  The wide, flat nose.  The excessively large and oddly-shaped lips which I simply find repulsive.  The lower half of the face sticks out much, much farther than the upper half.  This is not just a regular amount of maturation and development of the mandible, maxilla, and sphenoid bone that a person transitions when growing from childhood to adulthood.  This is a grossly exaggerated, distorted formation of the face.

A lot of people will probably have the response that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that I am being unspeakably racist, shockingly judgmental.  Shrug.  Yes, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.  You are absolutely correct on that account.  And this beholder is stating what she does and does not find beautiful.

The ideal male beauty--face is a combination, a perfect balance of masculine and feminine traits.

Sometimes hollywood opinion writers understand this.  But sometimes they are still stuck in a stage of praising "rugged good looks."  Errm, look at it a little more closely.  You will notice that the male celebrities that they praise for being good-looking are in fact not hyper-masculine.  There is an incredibly complex and delicate balance on the spectrum that spans from "masculine" at one extreme and "feminine" at the other extreme.

Asian male models and celebrities are quite pleasingly the ideal exemplar of this.

The overly-exaggerated masculine looks of blacks, therefore is not attractive.

*I heard some black women talking about a black guy that they found to be good-looking and how he had "nice dark skin color.”  ...Erm, well, okay.  That’s their preference, I suppose.  If that's what they want, great, have at it.  But personally, that very dark black skin is not my cup of tea.

•••••Possibly worse than that, is the plain fact that they act like criminals as well.  I am not just referencing the violent criminal tendencies.

I mean their general aggression, their mannerisms, the demeanor.  Little subtle modes of behavior that could very well be subconscious.  *If you look one of them in the eye, they interpret that as a threat.  They see that as a challenge to their dominance.  This is a behavior pattern most prevalent in the lower apes.  Amongst them, eye contact is a sign of aggression.

It is entirely possible that black guys are not voluntarily choosing to act this way.  However, that shoddy excuse does not make it any better.  They are grown-ups.  Do they not know how to conduct themselves in public?  Are they that empirically un-self-aware?  How does a person lack so much introspection that they do not realize how they act?

•••I have also noticed that---
They become very offended and violently insulted if you do not return the attention, the flirtation.  This is the major reason that I do not desire one in the least, possibly a larger weighting factor than the lower-primate resemblance.  They become overly aggressive when their “affections” are rebuked.  I have seen this demonstrated over and over.  They evidently think a woman should be obligated to act as thought she desires them...  Why exactly?  In a bid to make up for slavery or Jim Crow laws?

•••We hear how black men are in regards to education and employment.  At least the media allows some people to bring up this point (but only if racism is ultimately blamed).  Black males have no motivation to succeed whatsoever.  They have zero desire to make themselves better or to improve their lot in life.  This has been true of the vast majority of black men that I have seen.

Sigh.  Okay, I’m going to stop myself right there.  To be even more completely honest, I really do not trouble myself with whether they are successful.  That has hardly any bearing on my decision whatsoever.  The fact alone that they are extremely unattractive to me, and that coupled with the fact that they are exceedingly violent, is enough to turn me off of ever considering them as potential romantic partners, i.e., a spouse.
There have been a scant few____


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